Friday, February 5, 2016

Yuko Oshima: A little of this and that for 2016 #1....

Hmmmm, have a feeling we may see a new #1 in the next 'Top Ten' list....

 Have posted Yuko's 2016 calendar already, perhaps even twice but was making today the last day I'm going to be posting calendars for this year, to be honest hard to top having pics like this on your computer's desktop.

 Was just thinking as those pics were uploading, perhaps I should add a calendar to this blog and use one of my faves for that month. Think that plan will be done but first there's more important things to do such as posting new Yuko pics, nothing is more important than that. Have two mag spreads for today but do have a few more and will be posting them soon and was thinking about later on today. Yuko had a DVD release event for her "Romance", will have another post for that hopefully later on today with those other mew mag spreads. Just two sets today, both are a bit small and also both are from March issues. First one has two pics and is from Mini, second one has four pics and is from Voce, that first pic is one reason why we may see a new #1.

 Yuko will be hosting a documentary for Fuji TV that starts on Saturday March 6th and will be airing until April 5th. The show is called "Volcanic Island Iceland" or at least close to that as my translations aren't probably always 100%. Yuko though always looks 100% or even higher like she did at a press conference for the documentary on February 5th, pics here are from that and hopefully will have a bit more news in the future in the show. Haven't found a video for it yet but if I do will put it in her next post.

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