Thursday, May 12, 2016

Yuko Oshima: "Miyuki-Anne conditional love" press conference pics and video

 What's really amazing....

 .... er, besides those above pics which put the word amazing to shame is that it's two days in a row about posting about one of my ultimate faves! Funny how things like this happen, two days ago in a post listed four names who we haven't heard from in a while and before you know it that list of four names has been cut in half!
 Hopefully it's because they're followers of this blog, with 60% of the readers here from Japan guess the odds are good they read that post and are trying to instill some happiness in my life. "Miyuki-Anne conditional love" is Yuko's second stage play as she was in one last Autumn. She had the lead in that one along with being the co-lead in this play, easy to be co-lead when there's only two people in the play.
 It opened today in Tokyo at the Osamu Suzuki theater, it'll be playing there for the next two weeks and then the play moves to Osaka. No doubt Yuko dresses much more conservative these days or at least compared to her AKB pics but to me she looks quite fabulous dressed in this attire. Then again she could be wearing two parkas and still look beyond perfect to me. Pics here are from a press conference that took place before the play and a few are from it's first performance.

 Sure most of you recall Kosuke Suzuki from the two seasons of 'Liar Game", have seen him in a few other things and he's a solid actor. He's the other lead in this two person drama and have some pics of the pair in an interview for the play with JiJi. Also after these pics check out a long video of the today's press conference.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god, she never stops?
    Thanks for the pictures and the video!
