Sunday, June 26, 2016

Manami Higa: "Flap" photobook fan signing event pics

Many of Manami's pics over the years have left me breathless....

 .... but some of the ones from Manami's 'Flap" PB certainly has me gasping for air!

 Good thing I haven't started on that mid-year top ten list as someone has just taken a big jump way up, that top pic is one I never thought we'd see her do. Manami's "Clear" PB from four years ago was really an excellent set of pics and did sell rather well, think this book though is going to eclipse that as far as the pics and sales go.
 These pics were the last of Manami in her 20's as on June 14th she turned 30, don't know if I'm in the minority but think women look so much better with age and these pics are a good argument for me being right for a change. On June 25th there was a fan signing event for the PB, it's release date was also yesterday. About a thousand fans showed up for the release which was held at the Sabunado store in Shinjuku, seems like every event always happens there. She did make a comment at the event that marriage wasn't in her plans until she turns about 35, good news as that means she's now single as she was seeing someone for a while but think that ended last year.
 Many pics of Manami here looking so super duper at the event, she really looks that way 100% of the time and glad to see she's letting her hair grow long again. Will have the PB soon, like to wait a week or two after a release before posting them as not to affect the sales too much. After the event pics check out a video of it.
EDIT; As usual a video from YT was deleted, grrrrrrr!!!!


  1. I probably shouldn't be looking at these during work lol.

  2. What better way to make an impression on your boss, least if they're a male.
