Friday, October 21, 2016

C-ute: "Mugen Climax" single news and much more....

 The above is from the new single, it's a B-side titled "Our Ode to Nao!".

 "Mugen Climax" is the group's 30th single and probably their second to last one. Would think there will be a 'farewell single' sometime next Spring, would be nice if there was some sort of special Christmas single. The PV is on YT and have it below but first a few other things for the gals, lot of pics but not many different things. Just one new mag spread but it's truly a superb set of pics that feature Airi from the November issue of UTB, it's volume 247.

 Hopefully the group will be appearing in a few new mag spreads for the single, know they'll be in the next issue of Top Yell but we need a few more Maimi solo spreads. Doesn't happen often but there was a gap between C-ute card releases, should be many more of them coming out. The gals are currently on tour promoting the single and the tour is called 'Compass', cards here are for it. In their usual order we have Maimi, Saki, Airi, Chisato and Mai.

 The release date for "Mugen Climax" is November 2nd, hope they sell a ton of copies that week as Nogi's next single comes out on November 9th. Here are the covers for the single, the other two songs are titled "Ai wa Maru de Seidenki" and "Singing ~Ano Koro no Yuu ni". After those pics check out the PV for the main track and it's subbed in English.


  1. Will be at their last concert for sure. Seems like they changed Maimi-Saki's makeup.

  2. Saki's looks have definitely changed in those new pics, truly wish I could be at the last show but I probably wouldn't be able to hold back the tears....
