Saturday, November 26, 2016

Ayumi Ishida: H!P Digital Books #149 scans part two

 Ayumi will be turning twenty on January 7th, one reason for the lack of MM posts was because of the ages of some members but most seem to be 18 and well over these days. Perhaps not as enticing as some of the photobook pics that have been posted recently but the more you look at these you realize what an attractive woman she is.
 Speaking of photobooks these are outtakes from Ayumi's third PB which came out in June and is titled "It's My Turn", she also had a solo DVD that came out in July. Hello Project members seem to have so many more books than other popular groups such as AKB or Nogi. Guess they must sell okay or else there wouldn't be so many of them but rarely do I see a book hit the top ten.

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