Saturday, November 19, 2016

Cabasuka Gakuen drama: episode four recap with screenshots

 Think it's going to take longer listing all of the cast members than it will be doing the recap. Have left a few characters out due to space but for the most part these are the major ones. The series started on October 29th and airs on NTV, the episodes air every Saturday night at 12:55 am.

 Jurina Matsui as Center/Kurage.... means jellyfish in Japanese
Sakura Miyawaki as Sakura/Same.... means shark 
Yui Yokoyama as Otabe/Maguro.... means tuna
Haruka Kodama as Katsuzetsu/Tai.... sea bream
Yuria Kizaki as Magic/Saba.... mackerel
Nana Okada as Zombie/Karei
Ryoka Oshima as Kusogaki/Ankou
Juri Takahashi as Uonome/Iwashi
Mion Mukaichi as Jisedai/Isugi
Sayaka Yamamoto as Antonio
Haruka Komiyama as Isoginchaku
Rika Nakai as Nodoguro
Mio Tomonaga as Tatsunootoshigo
Yui Kojina as Kisu

Special guest star

Haruna Kojima as Kojiharu/Konbu

It could take all night to list them all so what I'll do is add two characters with each recap, way too many to keep track of!

 Another slower but yet still enjoyable episode and what really made it a must watch is that there was a special appearance from Haruna who looked A++++! Though somewhat successful the club isn't making much of a profit, the girls seem a bit disappointed but they know zero about running a business. What hasn't been brought up is how much time the hostesses have to save their high school which is about to go bankrupt, one would think it would take a while but this is a TV show....
 The club is still struggling to get repeat customers, few do come every night but not enough to keep the profits high as the manager Saionji can't keep depending on Kurage to bail him out. Another reason for the slow business is that their rival hostess club Ike Ike Tattoo has been going on the internet and giving the Aquarium club bad reviews, what's next for this quickly dying club?

 So far there's been two older students turned successful hostesses who have bailed the club out when business has dried up and now number three makes an appearance. As you can see by the above pic it's Haruna who looked absolutely smashing as usual in this episode. Her character's regular name was Kojiharu but as every hostess has a fish name she's now called Konbu(kelp).
 Konbu has quite a following and the Aquarium club has it's best night to date business wise. Konbu's appearance came at steep price though as she wanted 50% of the profits earned but she was worth it as without her the profits would have less than zero. You may be thinking how often though can an ex-student make an appearance to save the club.
 That's a good question as there's going to be a fourth one coming up in the next episode and that new hostess will be played by Yuki. I'm really looking forward to her appearance, that spoiler was given away right at the end of the show. One final tidbit about Konbu is that she knows a bit about Saionji's past as he's a suspect in a murder from a year before, the dead person was a hostess.

 There's a character we've met twice, he's a customer with the name of Fujimoto. He's a really nerdy guy and says he doesn't drink alcohol nor does he have a lot of free money. Both times at the club Karei has been his hostess and they've gotten a bit close, she even did a taboo thing which was to tell Fujimoto her real name which is Nana. Bring him up because of the murder case mentioned in the above paragraph, for some reason he appears to be a bit deranged and it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up being the killer of that hostess.
 Sadly Konbu will just be in this one show but at least my second all time AKB member Yuki will be featured in episode five. AKB's current single is "High Tension" which to me is the group's best single in a few years. There's no need to buy the single as it's the theme song to this drama plus we hear it at least once more during every show.
 Another short recap or at least compared to usual length dramas, this show is 23 minutes long plus there's credits so you can understand why these recaps are shorter but all of the major details are always covered. In the upper left hand corner you can see the subbing group which is doing this drama and to date the subs have been excellent. Will be back in about two weeks with the next two recaps and to have to say I'm really enjoying this show, glad they changed the location from a high school to a hostess club.


  1. Jurina has become so attractive. Really didn't expect that. Puberty is a force.

    Haruna Kojima while shes never been my type did look great in this episode.

    Also like Muto Tomu, Siroma Miru and Shibuya Nagisa as Ike Tattoo hostesses

  2. Haruna has never really been my type either though she does look amazing at times, she does have so many fans here. Jurina won't be turning 20 for a few months but she is actually beyond attractive, if she stays active as an Idol could see her being my #1 in the next year or so.
    Like those bottom names too but haven't done any posting for any of them or a few others from AKB/NMB. Lately been getting back into the '48' groups so think a few posts for them will be coming up soon.

  3. Forgot to mention Yagura Fuuko. The line up would've been even better with Jonishi Kei.

    Did you go back to watching AKBINGO? I'm actually liking Muramoto and Woman Rush Hour as host

  4. Hmmm, Kei is someone who slips my mind often, also wonder why Anna wasn't included in the main cast. Haven't checked out any recent Bingo episodes but may do it soon. Have almost all of the first 200 episodes which I do watch quite often, could watch two a week and it would almost two years to watch all 200 again.
