Friday, November 25, 2016

Manami Hashimoto: 'Fuerose 328' promo event pics and video

 If there's time will post #19 on my top twenty faves list, if not will do a pair of posts over the weekend. Manami was an easy selection for the list and will have an extremely high spot with a possibility of being number one. She doesn't have too many posts here or at least not as many as my other faces so if she does have a chance at the top spot think I need to do many more posts for her to justify that position.
 Manami appears at so many promo events, usually her appearances are breathtaking but not this time as for once she was dressed kind of conservative. That's okay as many only notice her below the neck but to me she really has such an attractive face. The event was for a diet product called 'Fuerose 328', Manami mentioned how she needed to lose a bit of weight but where???? No doubt one part jumps right out at you but don't think any of us want to see a decrease there.
 As mentioned dressed a bit conservative(least by her standards) but Manami still looks so unbelievably perfect. Many pics here from the event which took place on November 24th, following them is a video of the event.

1 comment:

  1. I admit, I have a bellyfree fetish, so this is just right. Never understood people who only look at the body, face is more important to me and Manami has gorgeous(just noticed how ugly the word gorgeous sounds properly enunciated sounds facial features.
