Friday, February 3, 2017

Cabasuka Gakuen drama: episode eight recap with screenshots

 Think it's going to take longer listing all of the cast members than it will be doing the recap. Have left a few characters out due to space but for the most part these are the major ones. The series started on October 29th and aired on NTV, the episodes ran every Saturday night at 12:55 am.

 Jurina Matsui as Center/Kurage.... means jellyfish in Japanese
Sakura Miyawaki as Sakura/Same.... means shark 
Yui Yokoyama as Otabe/Maguro.... means tuna
Haruka Kodama as Katsuzetsu/Tai.... sea bream
Yuria Kizaki as Magic/Saba.... mackerel
Nana Okada as Zombie/Karei
Ryoka Oshima as Kusogaki/Ankou
Juri Takahashi as Uonome/Iwashi
Mion Mukaichi as Jisedai/Isugi
Sayaka Yamamoto as Antonio
Haruka Komiyama as Isoginchaku
Rika Nakai as Nodoguro
Mio Tomonaga as Tatsunootoshigo
Yui Kojina as Kisu
Anna Iriyama as Yoga/Iruka

Special guest star

Rino Sashihara as herself

 The quickest of synopses: Majijo high school is facing bankruptcy so the students along with some graduates have opened a hostess bar named 'Aquarium' to try to save the school. There's a rival club called 'Ike Ike Tattoo' who were also their rivals in high school though there's been very little seen from that group. Really no fighting either as the gals have to transform from Yankis into respectable young ladies.

 The last episode ended with the Aquarium club being shut down by the police due to having an underage hostess. The police had planted that hostess there as the main reason for shutting down the club was to arrest the manager Saionji. He's a suspect in the murder of a hostess from a year ago but can't pin any evidence on him.
 Kurage knew all the details as she had worked at the club a year ago, name of the hostess who was killed was Kaori. That club had all SKE members who worked at it, their appearance was a very brief one. Kaori wasn't too sweet of a gal as she had connections to a prostitution ring and was recruiting the other hostesses to work for them. That ring had quite a lengthy list of clients and one night Kaori stole that list.
 To Kurage that was the reason Kaori was killed and she believes Saionji when he said he had nothing to do with the murder. The police still feel he's the one who murdered Kaori and don't believe his story about prostitution, wonder if they have anything to do with that organization? However the club is allowed to re-open but Saionji is till being held as a suspect in the murder case.

 Jurina looks more incredible by the second, could take viewing just her for an entire show. The club has reopened and business is steadily increasing which is good as the gals only have a month to go to save up the money to pay off the debts of Majijo high school. There is one development which could interrupt their plans and it has to do with Fugu.
 In episode six she met a male host Seiya from the Dandy Magnum club though we hadn't heard about them again until now. Fugu has been visiting the club almost daily and has been spending all of her money there to help Seiya become the number host at the club. She thinks that they're a couple but actually he's been using her just for her money, she should know better being a hostess herself. She owes him a huge sum of money which she doesn't have, Same learns about this and has a secret weapon to get back at Seiya.
 That secret weapon is Rino who is this episode's special guest and plays the part of herself, she was known as Scandal in the previous seasons. She goes to the Dandy Magnum club where everyone is in awe that such a popular Idol would visit their club. Rino can have her pick of any host and chooses Seiya, little does he know what she's up to.

 Rino is an ultra popular Idol but she didn't forget her Majijo roots and goes overboard to help her old pals. She goes to the Dandy Magnum club every night and always asks for Seiya, before long she's run up quite a hefty tab. Seiya has been covering her tab through loans but one night he asks if she can possibly settle up her account. Rino agrees and says she'll bring the entire amount the next night, it's quite a huge tab as the total was 80 million yen or about $71,000!!!!
 But the next day Rino flies out to an event in Jakarta and Seiya is left with his huge debt. He borrowed the money from some loan sharks, when he couldn't pay up they put quite the beating on him. One other event which never was detailed was that Same had been stalked on and off for the last few episodes. She was towards the end of this show as she was surrounded by six hoodlums.
 Out of nowhere came another special guest who would stay for the next few episodes. That's Anna Iriyama who reprises her role of Yoga and gets the fish name of Ikaru. She manages to help out Same in her confrontation, her stalking may be because the hoodlums were looking for the list of prostitution clients.

 That brings us to the end of this show but like most of them we get a sneak peek on who the next special guest will be. By the looks of it Salt will be the guest, she was once the top dog at Majijo high school and even Sakura/Same couldn't beat her. Haven't watched the next two episodes yet, wrote these first two recaps up and now will watch the final two shows.
 This series is a bit shorter than most of them. Seasons one, two, three and five all had twelve episodes while season four had ten like this one does. No reason why this season only had ten episodes, perhaps they wanted the series to end before Christmas. Next two posts are for the final two shows which I'm about to watch, hopefully my brain will still be functioning to write those recaps today as that means four will have been written up in a day.

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