Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Anna Iriyama: Photobook event pics/video and a few new mag scans

 That bottom pic is the cover of Anna's first photobook which was released on March 22nd, more info on it below. Been a long time since an Anna post or for that matter any member of AKB not including their sister groups. There isn't just one AKB as there are so many teams, don't know how anyone could keep track of all these members....

.... the group just released their latest single "Shoot Sign" on March 15th. Of course it hit #1 on the Oricon charts and it did sell over a million copies but barely as week one sales were 1,025,267. It's going to happen very soon and that's an AKB single not hitting the million mark, their next single is scheduled to come out on May 31st. As you can see Anna made the cover of the current single.

 Have three mag spreads but unfortunately all are rather small, least Anna looks mighty fine in the pics and the first two are promoting the new photobook. First set of terrific pics is from the March 31st issue of Friday.

 First four stupendous Anna pics are from WPB #15 while the other two are from the May edition of Goethe.

 Title of Anna's first PB is "Utsukushii Tsumi" which means beautiful sin. The pics for the book were shot in Taiwan last November, this is the first AKB photobook in recent memory to me. Hopefully it'll do well but going against all of the current Nogi books is a tall order.

EDIT: The PB did extremely well in it's first week out selling a little over 8,200 copies which was good enough to place #1 on the charts.

 The PB was released on March 22nd, on the 26th Anna held an event for it at HMV Books in Tokyo. Sales for week one don't come out until tomorrow, will try to another post for her soon to let you know how it did sales wise. Have some pics here from the event, Anna is looking much better these days and she really looks superb in a few of the other pics I've seen from the PB. Couldn't find a good video of the event but do have one of her promoting the book from the AKB Showroom show from last Thursday. With her is my fave current member who is Juri, she's someone who truly deserves a photobook.... scratch that view as it's now almost a year later and it's been deleted.

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