Thursday, May 4, 2017

Marie Iitoyo: Few recent happenings....

 One of the better qualities about Marie is her lack of gravure spreads, that top pic was from the only one she's ever done. Granted, looking at that pic most viewers wish she would do more but her down to earth charm is what really attracts me to her and probably many others too. Keep forgetting about it but perhaps a comparison post will be in the works, if you're going to look like someone can't think of anyone better than Gakky!

 There's many things for today's post but there really isn't enough Marie happenings to post about on a regular basis. However this is about her seventh post of the year so guess you could say she's been busy, perhaps it's my fault as I seem to not be able to get enough of her. Lot's of various happenings for today and all have been in within the last month.
 Marie had the co-lead in her last film "Girls in the Dark" which came out on April 1st. No news though on any more films or dramas for 2017 but it's still early in the year and she has become a somewhat in demand actress and model. These pics are from an interview for the film with the Real Sound site and it came out on April 11th, with her is one of the other stars who is Yuna Taira.

 Marie does have a blog and Instagram account but can't say she's the best at keeping it updated. These ones here are from the last few weeks, with her in the top pic is everybody's fave here who is Rena Takeda and it was taken at yesterday's 'Girls Awards' show.

 With Marie's ultra attractive looks you would think she would appear in so many more mags than she does, perhaps it's because she doesn't like to do more gravure spreads? Good for her that she doesn't do them as I'll bet the pressure for actresses aged 18-21 to do those spreads must be fairly high. No mag pics here but some really fine ones from the Yuzen Kimono Spring collection.

 Marie appears at most of the big fashion shows and there's been quite a few of them lately. On May 3rd she was at the 'Girls Awards' Spring/Summer show, with 140 models it's hard to have a lot of time on stage though she did take three strolls on the catwalk. No video of the event but do have a fun Marie CM from a year ago for Abema TV which you can view after these terrific pics from the show.

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