Thursday, June 1, 2017

Keyakizaka46: 2017 Magazine scans #1(?)

 Says #1 in the title but this is actually the tenth Keya post for mag spreads, the previous nine were for individual members. Above are two pics of Fuyuka Saito who looked quite good in one of these new pics. Think she'll have her own solo post coming up soon and though I didn't know her by name had been noticing her very often in the 'Tokuyama' drama.
 Will have a few other different posts coming up, have had a couple for some promo events and will have a few more of them along with some cards and whatever else there may be. In Nogi know all of the Undgergirls fairly well and do like most of them as they appear quite often in mags and in their variety shows.
 However don't know much about Keya's Undergirls which go by the name of 'Hiragana Keyaki'. None of them are in the 'Tokuyama' drama, haven't seen enough of their variety shows but doesn't seem many of them get a lot of air time. So let's start off with a trio who aren't well known, the threesome are Mei, Mirei and Mana with this set being from the July edition of BLT.

 Have a fivesome of members here from issue #2054 of Anan, the five featured in order are Neru, Risa, Rika, Akane and Miyu.

 Plenty of members here from the July issue of Samurai ELO, Fuyuka is in the sixth pic and doesn't she look terrific!

 Already posted this set in Manaka's first solo post but the spread is so superb it deserved an encore. She;s joined by Neru in the July issue of So-En.

 Lastly is thirteen members who were featured in the June edition of Big One Girls with the spread titled 'Best Shot'. Have one more other thing after these pics.

 Since December five members have been doing a series of CM's for Manapa and their money cards. There was an event back in November for it, have posted a few pics from it but will devote a post to it in the future along with more videos. A new CM for the card came out in May 27th and you can view it below, the five members are Akane, Rika, Risa, Yurina and Yuuka.

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