Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Nana Asakawa: 2017 Magazine scans #1

 Don't think I 'll be doing many Super Girl posts so this may be a good way to introduce the group, been doing this for another pair of J-Poppers. Nana has been seemingly everywhere the last four months so she should have many upcoming posts as her first one yesterday was by far the most viewed one so will have a single in all of her posts.
 Super Girls have been around since 2010 and have a total of 18 singles. Most of them have hit the top five but they're a bit unknown to me so this will be a good introduction for all of us. Today's single is "Gira Gira Revolution" and was released on February 18, 2015. The song hit #3 on the Oricon charts but the gals have slowed down a bit as they've only had four singles since then.

 On to some Nana spreads and all of them are truly dazzling, easy to see why her first post garnered so many views. These last four months don't think I've ever seen an Idol appear in so many mags as she has and it shows no signs of stopping. Nana is a third generation member but has had a long career as she was a member of the group Idol Street plus had appeared in two dramas. Will add more bio tidbits as these posts go on but let's get to the spreads and have four today which total thirty pics. First off is a breathtaking one from the June 16 edition of Friday though it's a way too small set.

 All of the other spreads are much bigger such as this one from the June 5th Young Magazine.

 Nana has the cover in three of the four spreads for today. Here's another fine set which is from the June 29th issue of Weekly Shonen.

 All of these sets today were from June and there's still a few more from that month. Final Nana spread is from the June 26th issue of WPB.

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