Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Juice=Juice: The 'Tomoko Kanazawa post' #6

 For a change and for probably the only time not going to have a Juice=Juice song as part of their 'singles series'. Do have a song though which is above and it's by the group Kamiishinaka Kana and no doubt you're wondering who they are. The foursome did a one off single which was the theme song to Maimi and Saki's travel show "Furusato no Yume" which has aired on TBS since January.
 The single was released on March 15th and while not a huge hit is an entertaining tune. What was a bit clever to me was how they named the group which was taking the first four letters from each of their last names.
Kamikokuryou Moe from ANGERME
Ishida Ayumi from Morning Musume
Nakajima Saki from C-ute
Kanazawa Tomoko from Juice=Juice

 Been noticing lately that Tomoko and Saki have become good friends these last two years. The pair has appeared together on many shows and have co-hosted a few of them along with doing that single, no clue if the group will be doing any more songs.
 Last year Saki finished #1 on my top twenty faves list which may have surprised a few long time viewers. There was no reason for anyone to have been shocked as I had left many clues on who would take the top spot for a few months. Bring that up as in November will be starting this year's list and it wouldn't be a stretch to say that a H!P member who take the top honor two years in a row. Lot can happen in these next few months but as of now would rank Tomoko third on the current list.

 However there's another C-ute member which Tomoko has gotten close to and she says that Airi has been her fave Hello Project Idol for too many years to count.

 But this is another Tomoko post so let's get right to an avalanche of pics and all except for two are brand new for here. Tomoko still isn't among the most popular gals here but every solo post she's had has garnered more views than the previous one so she must be gaining a few fans. It's only her sixth post since April but to me they've been my favorite ones, they take much longer than say a Nogi post but think they end up being so riveting and we have to thank Tomoko for that.

 That exhilarating pic is a promo one for the group's latest single "Fiesta, Fiesta" and will have more info on that in JJ's next post, the song came out on August 23rd through I-Tunes.
 Bet there must be seventy or more pics today and if you're a Tomoko fan can guarantee you'll be loving this post. Not sure where to begin so about some recent blog/Twitter pics from the last month? Sounds like a good idea with that top pic being the best to me, the following pair feature Yuka and I could do a whole post just dedicated to all of the blog pics they're in together.

 There's also two pics in the above set with Morning Musume from the August H!P festival. For 2016 there didn't appear to be many JJ cards but the last few months it's been a different story.

 With C-ute no longer around will have to say that Juice=Juice is the tops as far as putting on a concert, perhaps they already were before C-ute's disbandment. The group's latest concert DVD was released on August 9th and is from their May 3rd show at Nakano Sun Plaza.

 Have seen every concert DVD they've out out and to me that's been their best one to date. At a performance they just seem so confident as a group and in this show Akari and Yuka sang much more than they have in the past as their voices have really improved.
 Tomoko is my fave in concert, hard to take my eyes off her even when she's not singing. Here's a few concert pics from over the years and that top rates an A+++++++!!!!

 If you put all of her six solo posts together bet we'd have the makings of a nice book. Tomoko hails from Saitama prefecture though don't know what city. It's not Miyoshi where back on August 5, 2016 she was appointed as a special temporary ambassador for their travel department. It's a small city whose major industry is farming as you can tell by the second pic.

 Whew, this is getting long but there's no doubt every residence needs one of these.... er, guess I mean the one on the left!

 Just started watching this DVD today which was for Tomoko's 21st birthday party and that took place on July 2, 2016. Just viewed the first twenty minutes as two hours of Tomoko's radiance is too much to take at one sitting.
 Radiant is certainly how she looked, whewwww! So far she's sung two solo songs which were "Ai Ai Gasa" which is one of JJ's best songs. The other tune was "The Bigaku" and that's a song I've never heard before, it's not a Juice=Juice tune so perhaps it was a cover of another J-Pop artist. Long way to go on the DVD so will have more screenshots in her upcoming posts.

 Finally came to the end and have a few more birthday pics. These ones are from this year's when Tomoko turned 22 and there was a small party at the Idol site 'Cafe At Home'. Don't think it was a huge event so perhaps there won't be a DVD for this year's b-day. Few breathtaking pics from the small party plus a short must watch video as Tomoko leaves us gasping....

1 comment:

  1. That tsundere maid tho, she might be ranking up on myy list
