Monday, October 9, 2017

Mayu Matsuoka: Even more recent happenings....

 Morning Musume's 64th single did well in it's first week out selling over 100,000 copies, wonder how many the world's biggest MM fan bought? Mayu seems to be a bigger fan than ever as she's mentioned them recently in an interview and a CM. The group also sang the theme song to her 2016 drama 'Okodawari', that was one off the wall show. Pics here are from March 20, 2016 as Mayu had joined the group on stage at the Hina Fest and also backstage where the announcement was made about the group doing the drama's theme tune.

 Not too many recent happenings as Mayu's last post was only about two weeks ago. Just enjoy posting about Mayu so much as she could be the most adorable gal in the world along with being a top notch actress. One thing there's never enough of are mag spreads but she does grace the cover for the November edition of Soup.

 Mayu's third drama of 2017 will be starting on October 13th and it's the second season of "Kounodori", she was also in season one. On October 6th there was an event for the show.

 Mayu has had the lead role in four dramas but never one in a film. That'll be changing as "Katte ni Furuetero" will be her first starring role in a movie and it's coming out on December 23rd. Really looks to be a quirky and interesting film as her character of Yoshika is a bit of a loner whose biggest passion is ammonite fossils(?), bit more to the story than that though.
 The film will be having it's premiere at this years 'Tokyo International Film Festival" which opens on October 25th. Hopefully we'll see Mayu take a stroll down the red carpet and these pics here are new stills from the film that have been recently released. After them check out a short promo video for it's inclusion at this years TIFF.

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