Sunday, December 3, 2017

Sayaka Tomaru: Bomb-TV scans from December 2015

 That above video is definitely a must watch but wish there weren't so many graphics. Will have more on about that in Sayaka's next post which that'a promo video for the HK site MenClub. There's some ultra jaw-dropping pics in the pictorial but no room for them today as there's already a hundred pics of Sayaka you'll all be enjoying. Warning, do not try this maneuver unattended at home.

 Bet Sayaka never had to give her teacher an apple!!!! This is the final of her three Bomb-TV collections but have worked backwards with them as it's her first one which came out in December 2015. Next post will have a bit more variety but these sets are so huge can't squeeze any more pics into them. As mentioned there's an even one hundred pics to this set and the voluptuous Sayaka is someone who I'm quickly running out of adjectives for....

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