Saturday, January 20, 2018

Masami Nagasawa and... Rina Kawaei(?): "Uso wo Aisuru Onna" movie premiere pics

 Will have one more Masami post coming up for her events from the past few months. As I mentioned in her previous post couldn't take looking at her short haircut that she had in June but these days Masami is looking much more like her old self which means tremendous.
 Though I haven't been too fond of AKB the last few years can't say the same about Rina who was one of my fave members and glad to see she's been doing well since her August 2015 graduation. Rina has concentrated on her acting career since she left the group and has been quite successful. Not many lead parts but don't know if there's been a busier actress the past two years.

 The title of the movie can translate over to 'The Lies She Loved'. Masami has the lead role in the movie, from watching the trailer and reading the synopsis of it the film looks to be quite good and can't wait to see it though that won't be for about eight months. Rina appears to have a biggish role in the film and if you can read Japanese there's some good articles about the movie at many film sites.
 The premiere was held at the TOHO Cinemas in Roppongi Hills and so many of the bigger films have their premieres there. The other major actors in the movie were also on hand but it doesn't have a huge cast which often works out for the best. Plenty of fine looking pics here from the event and Masami looks so much better than she did in the Summer. Rina also looks super duper, she is a short gal as her height is just 152 cm and after the pics check out an interview she did for the film with Oricon. At the top is a trailer for the film.

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