Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Sarii Ikegami: Her intro post #2....

 Getting caught up with all of these 'intro posts' for all of the newish gals, now what we need from them is many new activities to post about.  Think I'm just about through with introducing new faves for a while as there's still a few of these 'intro posts' to finish up, should be one more for Sarii after this for her 2016 happenings.
 Sarii was just signed to be an exclusive model for the Larme magazine, her first appearance will be in their next issue. But that also means she'll be representing them at fashions shows, there's two of them coming up at the end of March. Sarii also does some modeling for Heather Diary, these are from their site with the top four being from last week while the rest are from September.

 Sarii turned 22 on October 19th but doesn't have a long history as I think she finished her schooling first before becoming an actress and model. She did have a big role in the "Kuzu no Honkai" drama which aired from January to April last year but that's been her only full time drama to date.
 In June Sarii's next film will be released which is titled "Recall", doesn't appear as though her role is that huge but the movie itself looks to be good as there's a few other faves of mine in it. For the rest of the post just have three mag spreads which are all from 2017 and all are guaranteed super duper. Her next post will have all of her activities for 2016 and then it's time to wait for Sarii to deliver us more fabulous pics, first off is from WPB #37.

 Next up is form the May 12th edition of Young Animal.

 Sarii has the cover of another issue which is the final one for today and is form the February 13th issue of Young Magazine. Following them is a short video of her promoting her 2016 calendar.

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