Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Yurina Yanagi: Another forgotten huge fave....

 Can't say I've forgotten about Yurina though it has been too many months to count since her last post. She still appears in many mags but not nearly the amount she did from 2014-16, her pics from those years are unbeatable and would have to say Yurina is my fave gravure Idol the past four years.   Yurina is now concentrating much more on her acting career as in 2017 she was in a stage play, two films, a net drama and did many guest appearances on regular dramas. No leads in anything but Yurina won't be turning 24 until April so she 's still young enough and still ultra attractive enough for the lead roles to come to her though I still prefer her with the longer hair. She does have Instagram and Twitter accounts but doesn't post too many pics, these are from the last two months.

 On to some mag spreads with the first two being from 2017, there are more but will save them for another post for her 2017 activities. Yurina has appeared in so many issues of WPB, these are from #17 as she also has the cover and during that period her hair was just way too short.

 Second 2017 set is also from WPB and issue #22.

 These final two spreads are more recent and you'll notice Yurina is letting her tresses grow a tad longer which is a good thing. This set has her on another cover and is from the December 15th edition of Friday.

 Last Yurina spread for today is from the January 18th issue of Tokyo Walker Plus and lately that mag has been featuring many more actresses and Idols.

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