Saturday, April 14, 2018

Nogizaka46: The 'Nanase Nishino post' #26....

 Not as big of a post as the recent ones for Nanase but then again there are 35 brand new pics so guess you could say it's a fairly good sized post. Nanase is now five posts behind the overall leader and would expect her to be #1 by the end of May as she has many, many happenings coming up. Nanase's first photobook for Non-no is coming out on May 9th though it's actually her third book. One week after that the "Asahinagu" movie is coming out on DVD and hope to see her at an event for it.

 May is certainly going to be a busy month for Nanase, she's also scheduled to be at the 'Girls Awards' Spring/Summer fashion show. Plus May 25th is when Nanase turns a year older, this year she'll be hitting the age of 24 and still has many years to go before she becomes an elderly person. Few have probably read the recaps for the 'Video Girl Ai' drama, there were four of them done yesterday. Next week will have another post for the show and it'll be just concentrating on Nanase. Will give more of a breakdown of her character along with too many screenshots to count, for two scenes she played a woman in her forties and I really like her with the longer hair.

 Really just two happenings for this post and those are the 35 new pics I was mentioning in the beginning. Nanase just has so many thousands of pics at the Non-no site and seems there's over fifty new ones each month such as these which are for April, my fave is pic #12.

 Huge spread to end off with which is from the May/June issue of CM Now, the ninth pic has Nanase's autograph!!!! After the terrific spread is a CM I had never seen before from 77 Bank.

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