Monday, January 7, 2019

Erika Denya: Few recent mag spreads plus a bit more....

 After doing those four drama recaps in a row needed an easier post for tonight and hopefully this will be though I can make the simplest things quite hard. Babyraids gave their final performance on September 24th, don't know enough about them but just about every song I've heard from them has been decent. Will guiltily admit that I've forgotten about them too often but will make an effort to listen to them more even though it may be too late.
 The group's final concert was one for the ages and hope it comes out on DVD as I would check it out. It was a five hour show(!) which took place at Yamanakako Plaza Kirara in front of 4,000 fans, would have thought they would have picked a bigger venue for their final concert. In those five hours they performed almost every tune they've done as the set list was close to forty songs. These are pics from the final show and at the top is the PV for the group's final single "Brand New Days" which came out two days after this concert, as you can see they were represented by Lespros.

 Erika has kind of kept a low profile since the final performance though she does have three superb spreads for today. She was at one event which took place on October 24th as she was promoting a new portal site game called G123. Erika will be an ambassador for the game and for her next post will have one of their CM's and perhaps may have one for this post.

 Erika never did a gravure spread until 2017 which was for WPB. Think of all the spreads she's appeared in 90% of them have been for that mag along with two huge pictorials for their WPB-Net monthly collection. First set of three from WPB is from issue #34 for 2018.

 That was too small of a set above though this one is much bigger and she does have the cover for their December 17th edition.

 Final spread for today is from issue #1 for 2019 from WPB. Did say this was going to be a quickie post and after the pics there's a behind the scenes video of Erika making her G123 CM.

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