Friday, February 8, 2019

Nogizaka46: 2019 Magazine scans #4....

 Sure most know about the feature on the right hand side called 'Most viewed posts from the last thirty days' or something close to that. If you look at that now you'll see a pics of Erika as she's a part of the top four most viewed posts of the last month, shall we make this the fifth one? Seems most of the top ten is dominated by Nogi though to me the best is the post currently in the sixth position.
 First weeks sales for Erika's second PB set a record for sales as it sold 178,600+ copies. Week two sales were a little over 27,000 which means to date 205,000 copies have been sold. Mai currently holds the record for most books sold by an Idol as the total sales for her last PB is around 317,000 copies sold, think this "Intermission" book has an excellent chance of topping that mark. Both of the books I mentioned were naturally superb but what a shame we'll never see a third PB from my all time fave, sigh....

 Nanami's 26th birthday is coming up in twelve days, haven't done a post for her since 2017 so perhaps I'll work on something. Sure there has to be some old mag spreads, Nogi cards or event pics that I've missed, will try to think of something to have around that date. Was just thinking about my 'All Time Top Twenty Faves' list which was completed in October. Nanami didn't make the the cut but had she not retired as an Idol she may have had an outside shot of taking the top spot.
 Speaking of birthdays February 8th is a date a Nogi member celebrates her 25th b-day. Am referring to Kazumi who I would say is my third fave Nogi member of all time and don't think I'm alone at having her so high. Would have done a solo post but there's hardly any new happenings for her or at least for now. Kazumi will be releasing her second photobook at the end of the month so hope to have a few posts for her during this month. Know she's scheduled to appear on the cover of at least one mag, there's so many Nogi/Keya books that have been released recently plus a few more are scheduled so hope this second book doesn't get overlooked like her first one did.

 Wow, what an underrated beauty!!!! Once again no Miona spreads, think since some third generation members have become more popular they've taken away some of the spreads the old-timers would be getting. However do have some recent Nogi cards for her along with the gal way above and for the first time thought I'd have some Yuki cards.

 Not many viewers checked out the posts yesterday for the first two episodes of the "Zambi" show, guess there's not many drama fans here and even for Nogi series. Granted it was just a fair beginning but it was a decent enough watch, think Yuki could be the best actress of anyone in the show though she doesn't have the lead role. Asuka is the star of the show, do like her but have do admit she's just a so-so actress at best but it is her first time(think it is) appearing in a regular drama. She has the lead off spread for today's post which is from the January edition of UTB.

 She's not the only member with a set in the UTB issue as so doesn't Manatsu, her character in the "Zambi" drama has easily been the most interesting character after two episodes. Two gals that also appeared in the mag were Ranze and Sayuri who shared a spread.

 Final set from the mag belongs to Misa and we need to see so much more from her, wonder if she's also going to have a second photobook? These pics are good but to me they're outtake ones from a spread she did about a year ago.

 What shocks me though in a good way is this next set of pics. it's from the March edition of Bomb and it features the Undergirl Kotoko who has been getting such a push lately and it's about time as I've liked her for a long time. Think up until this year Kotoko had only one solo spread but this is her third one in the past month.

 There's so many members in Nogi these days the competition to appear in mags or at events must be fairly tough. There's only a few third generation members who I care about, don't even bring up the 4th generation gals as I'll never include them in any post. But one 3G member I have liked is Momoko who is someone we haven't seen too often this past half year or so. But she has this next spread which is from the February issue of Brody.

 Minami has been in so many spreads lately and I say keep em comin' as she looks fabulous in her sets, she's by fave 3G member these days by far. This final set is from the January 20+ Sweet.

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