Sunday, February 24, 2019

Yuiri Murayama: Magazine scans #1

 Juri over the past year has become one of the most popular gals here, would day her posts these days probably have about the fifth highest average for views. Her last post was about a month ago yet it's still in the top ten for most viewed posts the past thirty days. In that post there was a spread she shared with Yuiri, mentioned then she needed a few posts and have finally got around to the first one.
 At one time I was a massive fan, then the exodus of graduations began and to me the group has never recovered. Hard to replace the ones that left but think these days the core members of AKB are fairly strong, what they don't have is the backing of management. Seems they promote the gals from SKE, NMB, HKT and whoever much more which is why those members always appear on AKB singles. Perhaps if they gave the more popular members more of a push the group could start becoming a bit more popular again, to me the sales of singles don't mean too much.

 Enough rambling, will continue those thoughts in the next AKB post. On to Yuiri who doesn't need a partner to make a pic look good, that's why she needed a post of her own. Don't know if many recall when Yuiri joined AKB, that took place back in September 2011. At the time she was a bit of a pudgy gal, not overly so but she was definitely heavy for an Idol. Can only think of one other gal that was also pudgy, can't remember her name but she was in Morning Musume and may still be,
 But as you can see Yuiri has lost her 'baby fat' and looks pretty darn good these days. Being an Idol requires a lot of physical activity so it's easy to see how one can lose weight in a short amount of time. In AKB it seems that her best mate is Nana, the pair have appeared in a few mag spreads together plus there are too many blog pics of them to count.

 Juiri will be turning 22 on June 15th, that also happens to be the date of two others I post about. For these mag spreads will just be going back to the beginning of 2018, if there aren't enough perhaps a few from late 2017. Of course it being so early in this year there aren't many recent spreads though the bottom one will be brand new so these first three are all from 2018. To lead off have this fabulous set of pics from volume three of Platinum Flash.

 Should be able to have two more posts for the older spreads, in them will have some other things such as AKB cards, blog pics, events and whatever. On to Yuiri's second set for today and she often does appear solo in her spreads such as this one from the October edition of EX-Taishu. First six pics are the spread while the others are bonus ones.

 Like most Idols Yuiri is not a tall gal as her height is just 156 cm, most Idol groups tend to have a few taller members but that's been a rarity with AKB. On to the third terrific set of pics and these are from the November issue of UTB.

 Will end off with the Juri spread that you saw in her post but is so fantastic it's hard to view it too many times. The final set is from the February issue of EX-Taishu, first nine pics are the actual spread while the rest are outtake ones. Didn't notice any exciting Yuiri videos on YT though I can't say the hunt was extensive so will try to find a superb one for her next post.

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