Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Miwako Kakei: Magazine scans #1 plus happy 25th birthday....

 Slightly early as birthday #25 doesn't take place for a few hours where I am but for most viewers think the date is now March 6th. No kind of special post though it will be the first one with Miwako mag spreads after having so many featuring her large pictorials, think there's 2-3 more to go. Unsure if I'll finish recapping her 'Yuube' drama, not that it was a bad series though it was certainly not one to write home about and may do it but if the final three shows aren't recapped by the weekend then it'll never get done.
 Won't be too huge of a post as the one above this is going to take a bit of time plus do plan on having many more posts like this in the future. Mainly mag spreads for today though do have a few other items and for upcoming posts will try to keep all activities date wise the same... 2017 mag spreads with 2017 events, etc. Few superb pics to get you in the mood for this post.

 Miwako does have a Line blog but in all honesty it's a bit disappointing. She does update it often enough but the pics she has in her posts leave something to be desired, actually she has way too many that don't feature her.

 In future posts will also be having some older pics from the Maquia and Voce sites, Miwako was once an exclusive model for both but is no longer. On February 16th she attended a TikTok event to promote her new CM for them which is for a video sharing app, it's her only event in the past month or so but she has appeared at so many over the years.

 Kind of like how Miwako isn't some skinny rail like too many other models are. Would say she seems more like a gal you'd see walking down the street but when you view her gravure pics that analogy gets thrown out the window. On to the mag spreads and will be working backwards from now to about 2014 when Miwako was twenty, no sense on gong back before then. She has slowed down with her gravure sets but all of these today are of that variety. First two are from 2019 with this superb set being from the February 5th edition of WPB.

 The other Miwako spread from 2019 is a very huge one which it's from the January 1st issue of Flash, she appears in that magazine more than any other one.

 On to the last pair of mesmerizing sets, Friday is another mag she appears in quite often and these pics are from their November 2, 2018 edition.

 Once again Miwako has the cover of a Flash issue and today's final spread is from their September 4th edition. There's so many terrific gravure videos on YT don't know which one to post, they're all definitely worth a watch so have a 'greatest hits' one after the pics.

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