Saturday, March 23, 2019

Miyu Kitamuki: Intro post #2- 'Bomb-TV' scans from August 2018

 That requires a lot of training so be careful if you try that feat at home! Second post for Miyu and much of her bio info was in the one above this. She's one of two nineteen year old gals I'll be posting about, as mentioned in that first post had set a rule you had to be twenty which was mainly because of J-Pop Idols and don't see any reason why there shouldn't be posts for actresses who are 18 or 19.
Miyu isn't an actress yet but have a feeling we're going to be seeing in her on the screen soon, you can say you heard about her here first.

 Think there will be two more of these intro posts for that will have her mag spreads, she's already been in quite a few which are all gravure ones. But do think with Miyu's heavenly face and being tall at 170 cm she'll soon be an exclusive model for some regular magazines or clothing sites.. That first post with her mini photobook just contained 27 pics and this is much bigger as the total is 59. Not much more to add in except that Miyu looks so alluring and you can see why she needed to be introduced, will have those other two posts coming up soon. This Bomb-TV set is broken down by weeks and there's three of them, it was released last August.

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