Friday, August 2, 2019

Ayaka Miyoshi: A luminous potpourri of recent happenings....

 These Ayaka posts are beginning to come fast and furious and let's hope they don't stop for a while. Don't think they will for the rest of the month as her "Dance With Me" film will be coming out in exactly two weeks, it's the first time she's had the starring role in a movie. Figure there will be a post on that day for the premiere along with a few other things. Have so many pics for today can hold a few back and try to squeeze another post in for next week, don't think it'll be too difficult to do.
 On my first preliminary post for my 'Top Twenty Faves of 2019' Ayaka finished in the ninth position. Seems like a solid spot for her and if she remains busy after this month can see her moving up a few more positions. Now if the list was just for hottest current women Ayaka would have made the top five with ease, I've always thought she was just so unbelievable alluring and seems so many viewers agree with that as she's so popular here.

 Have a little bit of many things but as mentioned will hold on to a few items so there can be another post next week. Lately Ayaka has posted more pics than ever to her Instagram account, about four times the amount of these ones.

 Those bottom two pics are from a fashion show that was held in mid-July. That gal Ayaka is with is a newish woman who I introduced with a pair of posts in June and have been lax on doing any since then. But will make an effort to have one soon for her and how many can remember her name from those two intro posts? There's going to be a lot of interviews for the upcoming movie which means there should also be a slew of pics. These are from an interview with the Filt site, shame there's just three pics but at least they're tremendous.

 Even more interview pics and this time there's many more of them, as you can see they're from the Girls Walker site.

 Ayaka was a long time model for the Seventeen magazine and used to represent them at all of the huge fashion shows. But she 'graduated' from them in August 2017 and went a long period without appearing at those shows. But that's changed as she's appeared at about five of them this year including last Saturday's 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show in Toyama. Dressed a bit more conservatively then she usually does at those shows but the second batch of pics are out of this world, wasn't a major show so there weren't as many pics as usual.

 More event pics as yesterday Ayaka was at the Aeon Mall down in Nagoya for a question and answer session for the "Dance With Me" film. She's been doing so much promoting for the film and really hope it pays off, think it's also her first comedy role.

 Down to the finale and saved the best pics for last. Not a true mag spread but these are from a feature for the film at the Cosmopolitan Japan site. Pics are actually better then most spreads as Ayaka just looks more dazzling by the day, whewwww!!!! No recent solo videos but there is one that came out today for the movie which is fairly entertaining, as far as I know she's never done a gravure video.

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