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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Kyoko Saito... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Monday, August 19, 2019

Jin Ki-Joo: Some oldies, some newbies and.....

.... and not much else, but what does she mean by betrayal?! August has been my busiest month for posts but in reality it's been the slowest month for new happenings with my faves this year. Luckily have had an okay stash of things that I wanted to get to plus there have been more drama recaps than usual. But have exhausted my rainy day supply and in all honesty thought I would be taking tonight off, actually was thinking more than just tonight as it's been so slow recently with new things there may be a huge slowdown of posts this week. That's okay though as there's plenty of older things for you viewers to investigate plus September usually begins one of the busiest stretches of a year.
 My biggest disappointment has been how quiet my fave Korean actresses have been. There's a core of about 15-20 I keep tabs on but all except for one has been AWOL for the past two months. And that one happens to be Ki-Joo and the last four posts for Korean actresses have all been for her. Least she's been busy as her last post had all new happenings and do have one recent event for today too. In about a week or ten days will do that second preliminary post for 2019's 'Top Twenty List', it kind of shows where I stand currently for faves and who is eligible to date.
 On that first list Ki-Joo was in the fourth position(!) and wondered if that shocked anyone. It shouldn't have as I've been raving about her since March or so and she may be my current #1 Korean actress. However she may drop one spot on the next list which would mean the fifth position, not that Ki-Joo has dropped in my eyes but someone has been rapidly moving up and what difficult choices I'm going to have finalizing the list.

 What I had originally planned on doing was an intro post for Ki-Joo's 2018 drama "Come and Hug Me". Thought I would have plenty of pics from a press conference for it as she looked so dazzling but lo and behold had many of those pics in her third intro post so scrapped my original idea.

 Maybe I will do another post for the series which I think will be recapped. In all honesty am torn about whether I want to recap another drama that's 32 episodes long which equals 16 posts. We'll see how things go but will do at least four or so posts for the show, knowing me I'll probably recap the entire thing and mainly because of Ki-Joo. Just viewed the first two episodes, she and the other main character were only in the first episode a bit and not at all in the second.
 For now the series is set about 14 years in the past and the events are so important can understand why but we should start seeing more of her in the third or fourth show. With a title like "Come and Hug Me" you'd think it would be a sappy romance drama but it's anything but that. Some viewers called it a somewhat horror show or at least a very disturbing one, noticed that viewers were torn on the show overall as some really enjoyed it while others thought it was quite blah.

 Ki-Joo plays an actress in the drama whose family had been murdered by a serial killer fourteen years ago, her mother had also been a very famous actress and that's it for the spoilers. Small post as what's left are some pics from a pair of events though naturally Ki-Joo looks so stupendous and am I so hooked on her. This first set are the new pics and it's from a special ceremony that took place on August 13th. The 4th 'Ulju Mountain Film Festival' will be beginning on September 6th and Ki-Joo was appointed as one of three ambassadors for the festival. Guess that means we'll be seeing her at the event and hopefully she's ready to amaze us again.

 These ending batch of Ki-Joo pics may be her best to date and she looks so perfect at events it's hard to say what her best pics are though these certainly could take the honor. This event took place on December 22, 2016 at the SBS Prism Center in Seoul, name of the event was the 'Supermodel Selection Contest'. It was to select new models or possibly actresses, at the time though Ki-Joo had been in a few dramas but was far from being the semi-star she is today. Perhaps the show helped her as she did do a bunch of CM's the following year, just wish there were more pics from the event. No video for the event so after have the trailer for her "Little Forest" film from 2018, it'll probably have another screening at the upcoming film festival.

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