Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mio Imada: Few recent happenings....

 Been noticing recently how many younger woman are turning their backs on doing gravure spreads. Lasr week Rena T. announced she would no longer be doing gravure spreads for WPB and she's probably done forty of them the past three years. Also Yuka Ogura said last month she would no longer be doing those kinds of pics either and both of them are extremely popular here. Think Ikumi Hisamatsu may have also retired from those spreads as she hasn't done one in about a year and really hope she hasn't. Even Nogi members these days rarely appear scantily clothed for spreads unless they have a photobook coming out but '48' gals do just as many as ever. Perhaps it's much tougher doing those photo shoots than we've imagined, mentioned those three but the total is much higher and that trio's ages are only between 21 to 23.
 Wouldn't call Mio a gravure model but she must have done ten spreads in that vein last year and do admit they may have been the best pics of 2018. But she hasn't done a gravure spread since January though all of her pics still look superb and she doesn't need to dress skimpy for me to like her. On the three preliminary posts for this year's top twenty list Mio has finished eleventh all three times. Will be doing the final list in about ten days and would expect her to remain in that position. To me she's such a likable person and usually someone like her would finish in the top ten for my yearly list but this by far is the best year to date for quality.

 So odds are good that we won't be seeing Mio do pics like the above ones but as I said she'll always remain a huge fave of mine. Many here still like her quite a bit too but have noticed her older posts with the gravure spreads were always much more popular. Not really a huge amount of things for today as Mio has been much quieter these past two months than usual, she's even slowed down so much on her modeling pics. She's been working harder on her acting career, she's currently in the sixth season of 'Doctor X' and here are some new interview pics she did for the series with the
'Kango-roo' site. She's also going to be in the film "Stolen Identity" coming out in February.

 Can't say that Mio has completely stopped modeling for sites as there must be twenty new pics for today such as these from Sweet, some of them were in their November issue.

 From the Laurier Press site promoting some Nivea product.

 Final batch of modeling pics are from Red Yazel.

 These days Mio is at every bigger fashion show, at one time she rarely attended them. On September 28th she was at the Mukahari Messe Hall in Chiba for the Autumn/Winter 'Girls Award' show. She has a lot of fans at these shows but too often does dress a bit too drab.

 Mio has now started her own cosmetics line which is out out by Canal. On the 17th she was at an event to promote and it's naturally called the 'Mio Collection', it officially came out on October 18th and a special holiday selection is coming out on November 1st. Didn't see a CM for the products so after the pics have a video from the event.


  1. Allways I looking forward to post this blog. I’m full of gratitude. But I'd like to post Keyakizaka46 photobook more! Are you planning it?

  2. Thanks and will be getting to photobooks from them and Nogi in the future, no exact date but it's better to wait so as not to affect sales.
