Sunday, October 6, 2019

Misato Ugaki: Her fourth flawless post....

 Don't think I've introduced as many women this year compared to 2-18 or at least as many who have become biggish faves of mine. There's no doubt that Misato is a huge fave and keeps on getting huger by the second, what an unbelievable underrated beauty she is. However would just place her second for newbies this year, my #1 has an outside shot at being my number one for 2019. Like Misato she's an announcer or should I say former one as both have taken a break from newscasting this year but it seems to be working out for the both of them.

 Usually do have older Misato pics of her broadcasting but will skip them this time as there's already about seventy pics. No one has a higher average of pics in posts as Misato does, bet the average after today will be above seventy and most are certainly peerless. It's now Autumn, least where I am as the temp has already fallen into the thirties. That also means many fashion lines put out their Autumn/Winter collections such as '31 Sons de mode', new pics from their site.

 Misato still needs two posts to be eligible for this year's top twenty faves list, shouldn't be a problem as they will be done within two weeks. They actually could have been done many months ago had I not been asleep at the wheel and she was 13th on my last preliminary list. But when the final countdown begins at the end of November expect her to be in the top ten. More new fashion pics from Tocco Closet, have posted many others but know these hadn't been.

 Misato pics here are from a Fine Boys interview that took place last week, in it she talked about mainly about her announcing career but didn't say when she would return to it.

 More interview pics which were with Non-no from April 16th. In it Misato talked about her first essay book that was released around that time titled 'Hack of Life' or somewhat like that, more of a book that's geared to younger females. Just four pics at their site which were all different and wonder why they haven't signed her up to be a model?

 One thing I may be running out of in the future are mag spreads but least Misato does so many other activities. Quite often she's the cover girl of a mag and this set for today is an oldie that's from the July 19, 2018 issue of Young Jump, just once I want to see her do a gravure spread.... whew....

 You may have seen a few of these pics earlier this week as Misato was at an event on October 4th with another huge fave of mine. The event was to promote Japan's 'Investment Day' and how to take advantage of special offers to learn about investing your hard earned money. When asked about marriage plans she replied that's something which won't happen for many more years.(yay!)

 More fashion pics but in a gothic cosplay style from the Kate site.

 Misato truly makes for such an alluring goth!!!! Those pics came out at the end of April, on May 11th she was at an event to promote those new Kate costumes which took place at the Sunshine City Plaza in Ikebukuro. She donned the simple Black Witch costume and also promoted a Kanebo cosmetic that went with it. We're not far from Halloween so will she do an encore with a new costume? There's a couple of videos from the event which were actually kind of boring so after have a CM for the cosplay cosmetic which is much better.

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