Tuesday, November 12, 2019

"Kamen Rider Zero-one" series: Episode six recap

 Air Dates: September 1, 2019 until ???? on TV-Asahi, Sundays at 9:00 am
There will probably be fifty episodes and the subs were done by Ignis/Over-Time subs

Main Characters:  First off Hiden Intelligence's personnel

Fumiya Takahashi as Aruto Hiden.... 22 year old lad who is a failure at being a comedian. Inherited the presidency of Hiden Intelligence when his grandfather died and can transform into the Zero-One hero

Noa Tsurushima as Izu.... HumaGear who is the presidential aide to Aruto Hiden.

Kazuya Kojima as Jun Fukuzoe.... VP of Hiden Technology who wanted to be president, Aruto's new enemy

Asumi Narita as Shesta..... HumaGear who is secretary to Fukuzoe

Arata Saeki as Sanzo Yamashita.... Senior managing director at Hiden

Tokuma Nishioka as Koronosuke Hiden.... Aruto's grandfather, died in episode one

Other main characters:

Hiroe Igeta as Yua Yaiba.... Technical advisor for A.I,M.S., also a leader of the field unit and is Kamen Rider Valkyrie

Ryutaro Okada as Isamu Fuwa.... Hotshot terrorist fighter for A.I.M.S. who works with Yua and is Kamen Rider Vulcan

Syuya Sunagawa as Horobi.... Leader of the MetsubouJinrai.net terrorist group, rogue HumaGear

Daisuke Nakagawa as Jin.... Hacker for MetsubouJinrai.net, a HumaGear

Ryunosuke Matsumura as 'Little Assassin'.... MetsubouJinrai.net assassin, a HumaGear


Hiden Intelligence- Company started by the elder Hiden to create A.I. HumaGears

A.I.M.S.- Artificial Intelligence Military Service, dedicated to destroying rouge HumaGears plus Maigas or anything to do with MetsubouJinrai.net

MetsubouJinrai.net- Cyper-terrorist group whose purpose is to hack into HumaGears and turn them rogue or more precisely, Maigas

HumaGear- A.I. Humanoids developed by the Hiden Company to serve mankind

Magias- Rogue HumaGears, turned evil due to the hacking of MetsubouJinrai.net

Trilobites- Inept creatures created by Magias to help them in their battles

Progrise Keys- Devices Kamen Riders use which have many different powers

 Usually don't give that much info to start things off but thought it may work out better this way. You'll have a handy-dandy guide to the characters and such, will be adding on to it when new things or persons are introduced. Plus it'll save me from repeating myself too often during a recap, though the heading may be long don't think these recaps will be as a show is just 23 minutes long.

                          Episode six title: I Want to Hear Your Voice

 Final recap for this mini marathon and for the first time a few events were just a tad confusing or not that clear but sure they'll be explained better as time goes on. In the previous episode for about five seconds we saw a new HumaGear named Seine Kanazawa though she had nothing to do with that show. She's trying to become the first popular HumaGear voice actress or should I say she's being pushed into it by her new owner Tazawa. He's a middle aged man who lost his daughter Sumire three years ago, it appears she had wanted to be a voice actress. But the main reason for Tazawa getting Seine was to replace his daughter which is against the HumaGear laws.
 Above is the A.I.M.S. agent Fuwa enforcing that law which is that no HumaGear is supposed to replace a deceased family member. Fuwa wanted to arrest the older man even though Aruto was there trying to convince Fuwa not to. Before things could get too heated what should arrive on the scene but a rogue HumaGear or Magia who had been a cab driver. As always the HumaGear's system had been hacked into by Jin of the MetsubouJinrai.net terrorist group. Jin has become a confused young man which is that he was so unsure about his upbringing and why his boss kept calling him 'son'.
 That boss is Hirobi who is the head of MetsubouJinrai.net, there's no way Jin could be his son as Hirobi is only a few years older. It came out at the end but will reveal it now which is that Jin is a HumaGear or should I say a rogue one which is a Magia. That's why he's so confused about what a family is as that word wasn't put into his system. But Jin checked out what the meaning of what a family is and it struck a chord into him. When he had the chance to order a Trilobite to kill Tazawa and Seine he stopped once he saw the father protecting his 'daughter'.

 Jin had been told by Hirobi his main goal in life should be to collect Progrise Keys. Those are devices used by Kamen Riders to give them special powers, needless to say losing any of them would be a tragedy and especially to MetsubouJinrai.net. But that's what Aruto as Kamen Rider Zero-One did as during his hardest battle to date the Magia he was fighting managed to swipe one of Progrise Keys. All of them have a special ability such as being able to fly, shoot bolts of fire and so many
other things.
 Tazawa had agreed to turn himself in and give up his new 'daughter' Seine. But he had one request to Aruto which was to allow Seine to participate in a voice acting challenge in three days. Aruto was fine with that, of course Fuwa from A.I.M.S. wasn't but eventually relented. That challenge turned out to be a nightmare as once again arriving on the scene was Jin, he somehow turns up everywhere and wondering if he's being ordered to by Hirobi? That's a mini mystery on how much control does he have over Jin.
 At the voice acting challenge which was held in font of a few hundred fans it was Seine's turn but she began flubbing up badly as her system had been hacked into by Jin. As you can see above she's been turned into a Magia and once that happens a HumaGear can never return to being normal. Tazawa had tried protecting his 'daughter' but to no avail as she soon turned into a hideous Magia and had wanted to kill him. Bit of course also on the scene was Aruto, he didn't want to do it but once again he had to try and kill a nice HumaGear turned rogue.

 Aruto as Kamen Rider Zero-One has never lost a battle but then again his last few he's had to be bailed out by an A.I.M.S. agent. This time it was Yua who you can see above, she can transform into a Kamen Rider named Valkyrie. She had just obtained a new and much more powerful Progrise Key called Lightning Hornet, Valkyrie tried it out for the first time in the battle. What a powerful weapon it is as she quickly defeated the rogue Seine HumaGear and as you can tell by the weapon's name she has the stinging ability of a hornet multiplied by a million.
 The battles against the Magias and their troops of inept Trilobites are getting more difficult though the good guys always win in the end. Sure it'll keep happening in the future but one huge obstacle could be Jin as Hirobi has hacked into him and made him even more evil. Plus Jin also has a Progrise Key which he used to battle the two Kamen Riders. The key he has is quite powerful but he wasn't used to it yet and had to abort the battle against Zero-One and Valkyrie.
 Jin is definitely going to be a major thorn in the side of Aruto and the A.I.M.S. team. But who I'm wondering about is Hirobi and why is he so hell bent on destroying mankind? We've only gone through six shows which is only 12% so there's going to be a lot of questions answered as we go along and sure many more new ones will appear too. Did forget to mention that Tazawa did get a replacement 'daughter' though it wasn't a regular HumaGear but some sort of speaking device.

 Sure these Sentai posts are more popular then regular drama recaps is because they're much easier to read through plus are much shorter. Series such as this one tend to get better as they go along, am enjoying this show quite a bit right now but sure that level will increase by the 20th episode. Not sure when the next batch of four recaps will be but it should be about this same time next week, then I may have to slow down as by then will only be two episodes behind.

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