Sunday, November 17, 2019

Nao Kanzaki: Final intro post for this year's 'Top Twenty Faves' countdown....

 Thought I'd have one final post before the countdown begins which will probably begin on Tuesday. There's 6 1/2 weeks left in the year so figure if three posts are done a week that'll bring us to the end of the year. No set schedule on when they'll be done, could be two positions done in a day or three days in a row with one but will try to keep a steady pace. Then after #1 is announced will have one last post for stats and such which most viewers seem to enjoy.
 Hope this doesn't turn out o be a negative post as all of today's gals mentioned are faves of mine but it's mainly about those who won't be making the list. The requirements were rather simple as you just needed to be 21 or older in age plus have had six solo posts since last December 1st. Have the list almost complete save for the twentieth position. Above is Miru who had been in the top twenty for every preliminary post but is in danger of falling out. There's six faves battling for that final spot and it may come down to who has been busier this past month. Being busy is an important asset to making the list and having a high position, Miru has been so quiet since late June. Would say the final spot will be a battle between her and Kazusa who I may like even more, many times when it's close for a position I side with the older woman who may not have many more chances to make the list.

 Two pics each of the other four who are eligible for the list but it's going to be a long shot for any of them to make it though not impossible. Actually the more I think about the top gal may have the best chance of sneaking on.

 Having six posts was a good idea as the list is for who are by biggest faves of the year and not my biggest ones from the past 2-4 years. So there ended up being three who missed by one post of being eligible, bottom gal would have made it easily.

 And to wrap things up in this mini post there was one other requirement on making this year's list. Which is that if you're in the 'Nao Hall of Fame' you wouldn't be eligible. There's seven, perhaps eight in that esteemed palace and two would have made the top ten who are Erika and Nanase who was last year's unofficial number one.

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