Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Nao Kanzaki: 'Top Twenty Faves' countdown for 2019.... #20, Fumika Baba....

 Hope the list won't turn out to be anti-climatic as you do know many of the gals who will be on the list though most positions changed by a spot or two. Wasn't sure if Fumika was going to make the list or actually mean was she going to be eligible as I thought she was one post short of having the required six which wasn't the case, this will be her seventh of the year. Kind of a battle for the final three spots on the list as there were nine faves vying for one of them, in all honesty there's not a huge difference between someone who finished 18th or 23rd.
 The big difference is when you get into the top eleven as those gals are so far ahead of the bottom nine on the list and that's not a knock at all on who finished between 12th and 20th. Know most viewers will like this selection as Fumika is one of the most popular woman here, guess she could have been moved up a spot or two but as mentioned there's not too much difference in the bottom nine girls as I very well could have expanded the list to 25 but didn't want to water it down.

 Didn't have a yearly list for 2018 as I instead had one for my all time top twenty faves. Even if there had been one Fumika probably wouldn't have made it but she did make the list back in 2017. From those twenty back in 2017 seven are on this year's list so it's nice to see my bigger faves have remained that way. Had there been a list in 2018 there would have been about eight or so who also are on this year's list, did do a loose one in my small mind.
 Some of these posts will be quite large while others a bit smaller, today's is actually only medium sized. Fumika didn't make any of the four preliminary lists as I didn't think she'd have the six posts to qualify but did have a pair of them in this past month. Will also be making these posts regular ones that will hopefully feature a lot of new happenings and most everything for today is new. Fumika has had a Line blog for a while, she usually updates it often and all of these pics have been since the first of the month.

 As you can see Fumika had signed many books, her third one was just released last week. On November 17th she held an event at the Fukuya bookstore in Shinjuku to pass out the signed ones for some lucky fans.

 It's a rather huge book with close to 260 pics. Title of the PB is 'Baba Tabi' with the theme of it being a woman's travel book. Pics for it were taken in Australia and does feature many swimsuit pics. Bring that up because Fumika went on a long hiatus from doing gravure spreads, it may have been over a year but her Anan set from two months ago was the most revealing and best set of the year. Few promo pics for the book.

 Fumika took that long gap between gravure spreads as she wanted to be known more these days for being an actress and not a swimsuit model. Have seen her in three dramas, can't say she's a great actress yet though has gotten better with each show. She is in a series that began on October 26th which is called "Kesshite Mane Shinaide Kudasai" which looks to be a promising show but have a feeling it'll never be subbed just like her previous show 'Zegen' wasn't. Only two new mag spreads, first off Fumika is the cover girl for the November 6th edition of Kansai Walker.

 Second Fumika set is from WPB #47 which features outtake pics from the PB and is a much smaller spread than her previous one for them.

 We've hit the end, though not a large post there are some A+ new pics. Fumika has been one of my top gravure models for the past three years, she'll be turning 25 next June. Don't know whether this new photobook signals a return to her golden past or is just saying goodbye forever to her gravure modeling pics. Hope not but she has left many of them for all of us to savor and here's some her top ones from the last three or so years. Have a video from her PB event after the pics.

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