Sunday, December 29, 2019

Minami Hamabe: Few recent happenings....

 Trying to get back in the swing of things with 'normal' posts which are ones that aren't for lists or Nogi. From mid November to the end of the year is the slowest time of the year for actresses save for a few award's shows. Posts for them should be picking back up in another week or so but may have a few of them on my other blog, still up in the air on what to do with it.
 However Minami isn't one of the actresses who took it easy at the end of the year as it seems she's been busier than ever. That's hard to say as she's been one of the busiest actresses for the past two years and she's been at five events the past month, had two of them in her last post. As I've mentioned Minami will always be the youngest person I post about. Figure by the time she's 23 or so won't be introducing anyone that will be younger than that so perhaps that should be my new rule, never post about anyone younger than Minami! That idea just popped into my tiny brain just now and it's one that I will definitely follow.

 To me Minami could be the best young actress around but she also has that aura about her as her maturity level seems to be of someone five years older. Was just curious so checked on how many views her posts have been getting, not a huge amount as she's only so-so popular as of now but give it a year or two and bet she'll be right up there with you viewers. Not a lot of variety for today as most of the pics are from three events that have taken place the last two weeks. Minami isn't much of an Instagram poster which to me is a positive, she does have a few pics though from the last month.

 No regular dramas for Minami since March save for one very mini three episode series. But on February 1st her next drama will be starting, seems she'll have the lead role in it but there's very little news yet on it but will have all of the details in her next post. Pics here are from the Sankei site from an interview she did with them for her latest film "Murder at Shijinso" that came out on December 13th and Minami really looks superb in these pics.

 All of her posts seem to lack for mag spreads, same problem for today as there's just this mini set from the December 24th edition of Josei Jishin. They had her as the cover girl yet only had a two page spread?

 In Minami's last post had many pics and a video from the December 13th premiere of the "Murder at Shijinso" film. On the 23rd there was another event held to thank the 350,000+ plus people who had gone to see it and the event was held at the TOHO Cinemas in Hibiya.

 Don't know how popular Minami is overall in Japan, she probably has a huge core of young fans but wonder if older people like her too? Even if they don't sure they respect her as she is such an excellent actress regardless of her age and does so many different kinds of roles. On December 28th she was at the 32nd 'Nikkan Sports Film Awards' show, she won the 'Newcomers Award' for her role in the "Great War of Archimedes" film that came out in July. Though Minami is still young why a newcomers award as she's already been in thirteen films and ten dramas?

 Will end off with this batch of pics that are from a press conference held on December 18th. At it Minami was selected as the new CM representative of 'JR SkiSki' and that position lasts for a year, quite a few other popular actresses have had the honor too the last seven years. Plenty of terrific pics from the event and doesn't she look so adorable? Of course she does and following them is her first CM for the company which has a long behind the scenes segment and already has over 400,00 views.

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