Saturday, December 28, 2019

Nogizaka46: Their resplendent '2020 Magazine scans post' #2....

 Realize the vast majority of posts recently have been for the yearly lists and Nogi. But will get back into the normal swing of things hopefully starting tomorrow but did warn everyone it's that time of year when there's not many activities going on and especially for my faves. Can't say that about Nogi though who seem to be busier than ever and guess it's smart for them to remain busy when so many other groups are taking a breather. Planned for this post earlier today having about fifty new pics but there's no such thing as me having a smallish group post so there may be a hundred pics, sigh....
 Starting off with Yuuri who has always been among my top ten fave Nogi members and is by far their most underrated hottest gal. She graduated in July but still hangs around all of the time with her ex mates who have appeared many times on her 'Nutty' radio show. She was in a stage play last month and will be in another starting on March 14th. Hmmm, what's really in that glass....

 Have enough posts for a solo Miona post and had been thinking about doing it tomorrow. Changed my mind though as there's been so many recent Nogi posts though no one is complaining. So thought it'd be a great idea to end the year off with her as she may have the final post of the year this Tuesday which will include her tremendous new UTB spread.

 Have posted many Nogi Christmas cards from years past as there's been a shortage of new ones. The same applies to New Year's Cards so have some from the past with these being from 2016.

 While those above were from an older post these ones are brand new as they've never been posted before. They came out in December 2017 for New Year's 2018, have so many cards will be having another batch in at least one upcoming post.

 Nogi has been performing on many end of the year special music shows, won't be posting any of the videos as too often they get deleted but if you go to YT in the next few days there's plenty of them for you to enjoy though I prefer their older videos. On to the mag spreads and this year is already promising to be a busier year than 2019 which had more spreads than the previous year. This first set is from the February issue of With and a first finally happened. Don't know what took so long but the group's two Minami's shared their first spread, why don't they do it more often with the Mai's?

 For the period of 2016-18 Asuka appeared in more magazines than any other member by far. But she really slowed down in 2019 or at least until October. Now she's back to normal as she's had ten solo spreads in three months with this set being from the January 4th edition of Weekly Shonen 2-3, went out of order as last post had issue 4-5.

 Have plenty of spreads for today so will hold one back featuring a pair of members. To me 2019 was Sayuri's busiest year ever and have admitted she's looking better than ever, she'll be turning 28 next August but no graduation rumors have surfaced. As a matter of fact two other members will be turning 28 next year too. This set is from the February issue of CanCam and she's been an exclusive model for them since 2015.

 Perhaps I'm in the minority among Nogi fans but to me Kazumi is such an attractive, sultry woman and she's been in my top five for fave members since day one. She went so long without having a solo spread but now in the past three months has at had least four of them. This set amazing set is from the January edition of UTB, the bottom two pics she just posted on her Nogi blog.

 Had I worked harder may have been able to have a mini Hinako post but then again there wouldn't be this post as the remaining pics are all of her. She just may start the year off being my number one Nogi member and what I would love to see is her in a regular drama. Seems to me she'd be such a funny and quirky actress, being a Nogi member wonder why no comedy drama or variety show has signed her up? She was the host of the group's last 'Showroom', won't post the video as they too often get deleted but will end off with a different new one.

 To be eligible for my top twenty list a person needs six solo posts which is difficult for some Nogi members to get. So will tweak the rule next year a bit and say if you have 250+ pics in group posts you can be eligible as that would equal six solo posts. So that means next year Hinako should be able to qualify for the list, not sure where she may have finished this year but I was thinking in the top ten. Few days after the fact but how about some never before seen here X-Mas pics?!

 One new mag spread which can be described as simply incredible, she too has had many solo spreads the past five months or so. Another Nogi member had the front cover but Hinako graced the back cover of the February edition of UTB.

 That first pic in blue above will be among my top faves of the year. Will end off with a bit of an older video from BLT, Hinako appeared in their November issue but the magazine never released this until a few days ago. Can't say it's the most exciting of watches but I naturally enjoyed it.

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