Wednesday, December 18, 2019

'Top Twenty Faves' countdown for 2019.... #3, Misato Ugaki

 Now we're really in the upper level of the list but in all honesty the top six all had a chance to finish number one save for this spot, main reason is that I began posting about her too late in the year. But third is an extremely impressive position, more so because I knew very little about Misato until this Summer and didn't begin posting about her until September. But she's quickly got ten posts and will say that she's my early prediction for being #1 next year.
 Good to have a few older gals high on the list as four of the top ten are either 21 or 22 in age. Two though are older than thirty and Misato is coming close to that age as she'll be turning 29 next April but like the majority of Japanese women looks so much better the older she gets. Misato has been so busy this year yet this may be the smallest of her ten posts for new happenings, she's kind of taken a step back the past month though do have some pics from two recent events along with many other things that have never been posted before. Viewers seem to be getting into her as a few of her posts have made the top ten list for being the most viewed over the past month.

 Hmmmm, once again she challenged me to a match.... if this post takes a few hours to complete you'll know why.....

 There's something about ex-announcers or some current ones I can't get enough of this year, odds are looking good that number one for this year will also be an ex-announcer. They tend to be a bit older and as mentioned about Misato their looks improve so much with age plus they seem to be much more active and interesting than actresses and Idols. No more announcing these days though she worked for TBS for four years up until March 31st, doing that gig is the main reason we didn't see as much of Misato. Have been posting some of her old pics from newscasts in all of her posts but think I'll make this small batch the final one.

 That is except for these two pics which you'll definitely see on occasion.

 Misato has appeared in quite a few mags the past two years with many of her appearances being for WPB or Young Jump which feature so many gravure spreads. But Misato hasn't really done a regular gravure spread and there's no woman I'm more curious about seeing in one than her as she's really tempted us this past year or so, what an underrated figure she appears to have.... actually those above two pics make us wonder too....

 Can't think of any announcer who is into cosplaying such as she is....

 Misato has done so much regular modeling work this year and her pics ares simply fabulous as she doesn't need to dress skimpy to get our blood boiling. But this is a bad time of the year for new pics as it's after the Winter collections have come out and it's too soon for Spring. So have a few oldies from her previous posts, by far she's had more modeling pics for Tocco Closet with these being among my faves though all the pics are superb.

 And a few from the Cherry Ann site.

 Posting blog or Instagram pics is an activity she'll never be good at as it happens so rarely but surprisingly these five are from the past month.

 Misato is a talented writer, she put out an essay book earlier this year plus writes a bi-weekly column for WPB. She talked about her writing, life after TBS and a few other subjects in a pair of interviews for Live Door this past month which is where these pics are from.

 Have a pair of mag spreads but both are way too small. First three pics are new from the January issue of ar while the others were missed that are from the June 16th Shukan Bunshun.

 Misato has mentioned on occasion what her favorite pastime is, she likes everything but her top drinks are beer, wine and Sake, what a fun gal she'd probably be on a date.

 At the top of my wish list is a photobook in 2020, have run out of superlatives....

 In case there's no one to deliver you chocolates next February 14th then these pics may help.... then again they may hurt if you have an active imagination such as I do....

 Where she really shines is at events and bet she's been at twenty of them this year if not more. Have a pair of recent ones to end the post off with this first one being from November 28th. It was a press conference to announce the opening of 'Small Worlds Tokyo' which will open on April 25th. it's going to be the largest indoor miniature theme park that reproduces streets and locations from animes and mangas, two genres she's a huge fan of.

 No photobook yet but Misato does have a 2020 calendar, on December 14th she held an event at the Fukuya bookstore in Shinjuku for it. Bit expensive at 2970 yen or $27 so hope there's some seductive pics in it, first pics are the cover and three promo ones. There's quite a few videos on YT but just in three genres, her TBS work, CM's or events, all are fairly good but a gravure one may send Nao to an early grave so after the pics have a video of this event.

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