Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Hinatazaka46: The electrifying 'Kyoko Saito post' #4!!!!.... Her bid for.... top post of the year!!!!

 Only post of the day as I'm trying to get some drama recaps out of the way. But actually it's hard to say 'just one post' as this has to be the biggest one in many months and may be the equivalent of at least two posts. It's impossible for me to ever pick which post(s) may be the top one(s) for a year but have a feeling this one will come awful close as I think there's about 121 pics in all and could have made it much larger.
 But am holding back a few things as I'd like to have a few upcoming Hina46 posts. Don't know why there haven't been more posts for them, they may have the most likable '46' members and these days are busier than the other two groups. There may not be one for this week but will work on having two group posts by the end of the month. While Keya hasn't released a single in close to a year Hina will be releasing their fourth one(!) in eleven months on February 19th, their tunes are quite good though wish they were a bit more upbeat. So there should be plenty of group things to post about, bet I have ten mag spreads for them plus they've been at four or so events this past month.

 But this is a Kyoko post and she's one of my top ten current Idols, it may only be her fourth solo post but she has so many pics in group posts. Am going to tweak things a bit for the top twenty faves list this year. A requirement was you needed six solo posts which is very hard for an Idol to do, last year only four hit that mark. So thought if they have 250+ pics in solo or group posts they will qualify, figure 250 is around six posts and think that'll be a fair mark.
 That means Kyoko should easily qualify as after this post she'll already be 40% of the way there plus I honestly will work on having many Hina group posts. Didn't check the stats before this post but really unsure if the group is popular here or not. Obviously not as much as Nogi or Keya and if not perhaps it's because they don't have enough posts. Kyoko's last solo post was in August so missed this celebration on September 5th as on that date she turned 22 in age.

 Another wish I have is that there would be more dramas from the three '46' groups, think "Zambi" from a year ago was the last one. Hina has only appeared in one which was "Re:Mind" from late 2017, at the time they were still called Hiragana46. That was a solid show and by far my fave character in it was Kyoko and her performance has been the best of any '46' member to date.

 Hmmmm, how about a few recent blog pics? Sounds like a good idea and notice Hina post more pics on their group blog than Nogi and Keya combined.

 Only three weeks overdue but never too late for a few superb Kyoko X-Mas pics.

 This is one reason for more Hina posts as there's so many group spreads. This one is from the January 17th issue of Young Gangan and will have the entire set in one of those upcoming posts. Have no fear as they'll be two solo spreads coming up later.

 Kyoko is a very kind person as she's build a budding friendship with an up and coming wanna-be Idol who may have no shot at becoming a star....

 That's a good question, why was she always hovering around me at the beach? Above is not the only wanna-be Idol she's been tutoring....

 Back on March 23rd there was a special show that aired on Sakamichi-TV that grouped together the members from Nogi, Keya and Hina. It's an 85 minute show and while not subbed is easy enough to follow and have watched it twice, a second special aired in December and have that one too. To date this is the most unbeatable trio of Idols I may have ever seen as far as being my huge faves go. Kyoko was joined by one member from both Nogi and Keya to prepare a meal. It came out well and it could have been because she did zero work in the kitchen save for opening packages(!), have a feeling she eats a lot of take out food....

 On December 16th a trio of Hina gals was in attendance at the 2019 'Line News Awards Show'. Line is a media outfit in Japan and at the ceremony they handed out seven awards for various categories such as for acting and athletics. In a bit of a surprise Hina won the award for being the #1 Idol group of the year and it's an award voted on by their readers.

 Last August Hina released their first group photobook and of course it's sold like hot cakes. Don't know what the current total is but know it's sold well over 100,000 copies. Have only seen a few pics from it and have some here, the first pic with Kyoko has to be one of the best from 2019 and doesn't she deserve her own photobook? Knew she had a impressive figure as the second pic is from a WPB spread promoting the PB, she's on the right hand side and that pic too is out of this world.

 Kyoko is an exclusive model for the ar magazine, have noticed their models only appear in every other issue and these are from October.

 While two months later in was December and these pics are from that ar edition.

 Whew, this was a long post but it really didn't seem that way and think the total was officially 118 pics. On January 10th the first 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show was held in Shizuoka and at these shows Hina has more members present than anyone else, more than Nogi and Keya combined. These days Kyoko is always at these shows, hard to tell from the pics but she's a bit of a short gal as her height is just 154 cm and her stroll was on the '17kg' stage. No video from the event so after the pics have a segment from that Sakamichi-TV special that aired last March and it's really worth a view.

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