Tuesday, January 21, 2020

"Janus no Kagami" drama: Episode six recap

 Air Dates: This series aired twice, first on the FOD network Fridays at midnight from August 16th until October 4th, then Mondays at 12:55 am on Fuji-TV from October 21st until December 9th.
Eight episodes with a running time a little over twenty minutes, subs by aoinousagi

Above is the PV for the theme tune that's sung by Hinako, didn't know she could sing

Main Cast:

Hinako Sakurai as Hiromo Ozawa.... meek 17 year old student who lives with her grandmother....
and also as Yumi who is her split personality and the complete opposite of Hiromi

Jin Shirasu as Kenichi Shindo.... president of the high school student council

Akihisa Shiono as Tatsuya Tsutsumi.... mysterious young man who befriends Yumi

Sayuri Kokusho as Takako Ozawa.... Hiromi's very strict and violent grandmother

Maria Mori as Jun Abe.... Hiromi's best friend at school

Sawa Nimura as Ryouko Azuma.... leader of a gang who all despise Yumi

Masato Hagiwara as Kazunari Koumoto... owner of a jewelry store and Hiromi's father?

 At one time think there may have been ten or so blogs which reviewed Japanese dramas but seems these days the number has dwindled to two others besides myself. Korean dramas have definitely become more popular, I prefer most of them too but do get tired of watching such long series. However brought that up for I noticed the other two places and some that recap Korean shows can do them with very brief recaps where not every bit of info or happening needs to be explained. So going to try doing that for the remaining four recaps and the goal is to have no more than four paragraphs though many screenshots.

 Hope everyone reader is enjoying these briefer recaps, know I am immensely and think they're a better overall view of a drama than explaining every detail which can get boring. Now the question is can I do these brief posts for regular length dramas?

 The question to end off the previous episode off was it Hiromi or Yumi meeting the father Koumoto? It was Hiromi and Koumoto knew it was his daughter from the first time they met, he brought her out then for a brief chat. That's when he first learned of what happened to Hiromi's mother Yukiko who had thrown herself off a roof shortly after giving birth. Koumoto kept saying he didn't leave the woman and was rather convincing but it seems easy to deceive Hiromi. Luckily her alter ego Yumi isn't so impressionable and soon she'll be getting in on the act to avenge Koumoto.
 But first Hiromi had to put up with some severe punishment at home when her grandmother heard that Hiromi had spent some time with the man. Her name is Takako and she was furious at Hiromi as she's never forgiven Koumoto for dumping her daughter which she felt led to her suicide. Once again Hiromi was thrown in the shed behind the house, third time it's happened and we've never learned why the grandmother is so strict and mean to Hiromi. In Japanese Kagami means Mirror and in the shed there was a very old one in which Hiromi was been able to see her alter ego. Hiromi had a brief conversation with her split personality Yumi who said for Hiromi to stay out of the way as she would make sure Koumoto paid for his sins against their mother.

 Tatsuya has been such an important person for Yumi as he was able to get the things to enter Koumoto's store, get cash from a ATM card she stole and to identify who Koumoto was. Hiromi went back to the store to see her father but this time she was her alter ego Yumi and of course Koumoto didn't know of her having a split personality. But he knew something had to be up as Hiromi was such a different person compared to the first time they met. Yumi was on the offensive from the word go and manged to persuade her father to travel with her to an abandoned factory.
 Koutomo was sticking to his story about not dumping Yumi's mother Yukiko but unlike Hiromi she wasn't buying his lies. Yumi put such pressure on her father that he finally opened up about Yukiko's suicide and said he witnessed it. But he's a changed man these days as Koumoto is now married with a daughter, can't they work out a deal such as him giving Yumi a large sum of cash? Yumi is just interested in revenge but before she could make the first strike Koumoto did and for a few seconds he had the upper hand as for some reason Yumi transformed back into Hiromi and didn't fight back. But it was just for a few seconds as Yumi regained control and fought back hard against Koumoto. It appears she's won the match as she struck her father over the head with a tool, he was lying there in a pool of blood but was Koumoto really dead? That's a good question which doesn't get answered until the next recap which is the post following this one.

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