Saturday, January 25, 2020

Kyoko Yoshine; Her extremely overdue third intro post....

 Overdue without a doubt as her second intro post was done last March 22nd though did do some recaps of Kyoko's 2019 "Stay Tuned!" drama which I really enjoyed and she had the lead role in it. Been doing quite a few posts lately for actresses in the 21-24 age bracket and this new wave is a bunch of gals I'm really impressed with.... long as they're not involved in any scandals! Sure many know who I'm referring to but won't have any comments or posts for that person as I tend to shy away from scandals and keep things positive.
 Kyoko has to be the most conservative and low key gal I've ever posted about which is one her attractions. You'll never see her do a gravure spread and she's at the point in her career where she'll never have to. Will consider this a bit of an early birthday post too as Kyoko will be turning 23 on February 28th, so many of my faves turn a year older in that month.

 No new dramas scheduled for her this year yet but if Kyoko has the lead role in a series it's one worth checking out. Oooops, she does have a mini series airing right now that started two weeks ago and is called "Kotaki Brothers and Shikuhaki", it's a late night show which is why I overlooked it but then again have't heard much about it. Will try hunting it down but Kyoko does have a new film out titled "The Memory Eraser" which was released eight days ago, she has another film coming out in the Spring. These are interview pics she did for the movie with the site.

 More interview pics which came out on the same day the film was released, this batch is from the Walker Plus site.

 "The Memory Eraser" came out on January 17th but the official premiere wasn't held until the following day at the Marunouchi Piccadilly in Tokyo.The film has to deal with some university students, one girl loses her memory somehow and her boyfriend is trying to get to the bottom of it.

 Have a few mag spreads to end off with, as mentioned you'll never see Kyoko do gravure pics and there's nothing wrong with that, actually it's a very good thing. Her last post was ten months ago so had missed this set from the May 2019 issue of Shukan Bunshun.

 Another oldie Kyoko set that's from the July edition of Camera Man.

 Almost forgot to add these in which are some recent Kyoko Instagram pics, she's really not a person who posts many pics nor does she have a blog.

 Final set of pics for today are brand new as Kyoko is the cover girl for the January issue of Mina. Kyoko does quite a few CM's for the 'New Days' company, following the pics is one from last September and what a likable gal she appears to be.


  1. "you'll never see Kyoko do gravure pics"
    What I did noticed in her 2 platforms I followed her, was none of her pictures shows so much skin and I think she is more decent and pretty in that way, that's why she's my number one idol Japanese actress��❤️ I followed her since 2015 and expecting more lead casting. Thank you for your blog. MARCH 02, 2022
