Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Park Eun-Bin: Today's recipient of an overdue post!

 Will have to say some of the blame lies with me with these overdue posts. Had gotten out of my addiction of watching Korean dramas which meant I didn't follow my fave actresses as well. But all that's changed as I am back on a huge drama binge but now and again it's good to take a minor break from whatever. Eun-Bin is a very big fave of mine, actually could say an immense one even though she does lack for posts save for her dramas. She's not as active as other actresses as far as modeling or appearing at events go but I really like the way she looks as she seems more of a down to earth gal. Last year wasn't a busy one for Eun-Bin so there's very little older things to post about but will work on something so there's not a huge gap in posts.
 Thanks to you viewers who read most of my posts and in a few of them mentioned how I may tweak an eligibility rule to qualify for the top twenty yearly list. That rule was to have six posts but in the case of Idols have mentioned perhaps them having 250+ pics in solo and group posts should make them eligible which seems fair to me. So thought why not have that same new rule for Korean actresses? They don't have as many posts either but if you notice their posts are quite huge, today's has well over eighty pics so think it's only right they can have the same qualifying rule. So will do that this year which would mean about four or so posts like this in a year will make them eligible and I really do want to see so many more actresses on the yearly list.

 Just began viewing Eun-Bin's current drama "Stove League", more on that coming up. Also am about to start on her 2016 mini series "Choco Bank" which was a web drama. It had six episodes of about 14 minutes each, will soon be watching and recapping the show. It'll make five dramas of her I've viewed in the past 2 1/2 years plus a film, don't know what others think of Eun-Bin but I really enjoy watching her on the screen. Top two pics are from an event for the series, will have many more pics from it just before the recaps.

 My top Eun-Bin drama has been "The Ghost Detective" from 2018, wasn't as popular as it deserved to be. Personally though I thought it was one of the top shows from the past five years and for 2018 that was my #1 drama of the year.

 Eun-Bin isn't much of an Instagram poster nor is she a blogger and there's nothing wrong with that. But she did post these top four pics on New Year's Day and did she look so fabulous, bottom two are oldies from September 5th of last year when Eun-Bin celebrated her 27th birthday. So many of my fave Korean actresses are much older than my faves from Japan, bet there's close to a five year difference in their average ages.

 One small mag spread from the February issue of Cosmopolitan.

 Though a much bigger set from the January edition of Singles. You can see Eun-Bin juggling a ball in a few of the pics which is a takeoff from her current drama.

 And Eun-Bin's current drama is titled "Stove League', viewed the first two shows but will wait until it finishes it's run before watching the entire series, it has two more weeks to go. If you're a Baseball fan you know that the title refers to it's off season when teams make trades, hire/fire managers and possibly catch cheaters! In the drama Eun-Bin plays Se-Young who is an operations manager for the Dreams baseball team meaning she works in the front office.
 What a horrible team they are, the first episode showed them losing their final game of the year which left the Dreams team with a record of 43-101. At the game the fans were booing them, the players had a fight in the dugout and even the mascot stopped cheering for them. The CEO decided it's time for new blood so he fired the GM and wanted Se-Young to help him hire a new one. All of the candidates were quite bad, especially one named Baek and as you guessed he was the one hired to the fury of Se-Young.
 He's not much of a baseball fan though he would attend the games of Dreams. Baek's experience is being a Handball player/manager and the CEO thought fresh blood would help the team after finishing last four years in a row. Se-Young's job will be to help her new boss assemble a winning team for the next season and what a fun beginning it was to this drama though it being the off season we won't be seeing much baseball being played.

 The drama airs on SBS Friday and Saturday nights at 10:00 pm, it's gotten excellent ratings as many of the episodes have been over 15%. The series began on December 13th, that same afternoon there was an event for the drama at the SBS HQ in Seoul, doesn't Eun-Bin look so hot and yet adorable? There's quite a few videos on YT for the "Stove League" drama, do have one after the pics that are highlights from the first episode which was filmed in a baseball stadium.

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