Monday, January 27, 2020

"Video Girl Mai 2019" drama: Episode three recap

 Air Dates: April 11th to June 27, 2019 on TV Tokyo, Thursday's at 1:00 am
Subs by Skeweds

Main Cast:

Mizuki Yamashita as Mai Kamio.... video girl from the 1980's who became 'unlocked' from her VHS and has to serve the person who set her free

Riku Hagiwara as Taketo Kano.... he freed Mai and is now her master though doesn't want to be, lives by himself as his parents are overseas

Rena Takeda as Yuna Asakawa... new girl at the high school and a very popular model who Taketo is head over heels for

Reiya Masaki as Tomonori Yanagi.... first person to free Mai from the VHS tape but she soon returned to it... the first male 'broken' by Mai

Hikari Kuroki as Anna Kawashima....

Nashiko Momotsuki as Sayaka Kato.... student and Tomonori's ex-girlfriend

Yoshinori Okada as Naoto Matsui.... teacher

Masaki Miura as Kazumi Osani.... noted photographer who we met in the third episode, was going to take the pictures for Yuna's photobook but was 'broken' by Mai

Shigeyuki Totsugi as Yota Moteuchi... only returning character from season one and the original creator of Video Girl Ai

 Will be updating the above as the recaps go on, some characters we haven't met yet and a few that we have met are still a bit unknown.

 For the 'Janus' series was able to keep the recaps at 4-5 paragraphs which is my goal for this drama. An episode is 23 minutes in length so seems I should be able to keep these posts shorter than regular dramas without leaving any details out. Plus as usual will have an overabundance of screenshots which will help you follow the story better.

 Think Rena fans may enjoy this show as she had the most screen time for the first 2/3 but it was a slower episode than the first two. I can often tell when a lot takes place in a show with the amount of screenshots that are taken, not as many this show as not as much took place but a lot of things were set up for future episodes.

 Two episodes down and in both of them Mai has 'broken' a male student at Taketo's high school, 'broken' meaning they've lost control of their senses and Mai was the only thing that mattered to them. Taketo is still drooling over the prospect of him being with Yuna(Rena) but he's no closer to being with her than in the beginning of the series but that will soon be changing. He's heard the story of Yuna having her first photobook and he's irate at the idea of a man seeing her so scantily clad, he's ordered Mai to do whatever to make sure the book isn't completed. As a Video Girl Mai has no choice but to serve her master and she tells Taketo not to worry as she'll take care of everything.
 Yuna is a popular teen model, according to her manager Sudo and her main photographer Osani her popularity could be sky high with a photobook. At first Yuna was reluctant to do such a racy photo shoot but eventually agreed knowing Sudo would be there with her, the manager was a woman. However on the weekend the pics for the book were to be taken at Osani's secluded villa Sudo bailed out with a last minute emergency, unsure if that was planned out in advance. That meant Yuna was going to spend the weekend alone with Osani who is old enough to be her father and it didn't take many brain cells to see what his alternative motive was.

 That first day of shooting at Osani's villa went well as he was a prefect gentleman and Yuna's thoughts of her being taken advantage of slowly disappeared. But they should have remained as that night the pair sat around a campfire conversing when Osani finally made his move as he attempted to kiss Yuna. She was startled at his action and refused to go any further. Just as the two were so close to each other a mysterious event occurred which was of someone taking the pair's picture. And of all people who should it be in the middle of nowhere but Mai who for days had been following Yuna around and once even said a few words to her.
 Needless to say the pair were shocked and especially when Mai muttered 'what should she do with this damaging photograph?'. Yuna was aghast at the situation, she fled the scene and dashed back to Osani's villa to grab her luggage and leave. There was a desolate bus stop not far away where she was prepared to wait all night for one. To her amazement who should be waiting at the stop but Taketo! He didn't know how it would happen but Taketo knew Mai would somehow get Yuna to leave the villa and he was prepared to comfort her. But he's a timid fellow and though having sex with Yuna is his main objective in life he couldn't utter a word about that to her. That worked out for the best in the end run as instead the two got to know each other much better, Yuna hasn't fallen for Taketo but now has respect for him which increases in the next episode.
 They eventually made it home via a bus but what was taking place at the villa? It didn't take long for Osani to be out under Mai's 'spell' as she told him to forget about Yuna and to only take pictures of her as she slowly began disrobing, Osani was beside himself and who wouldn't with a beauty like Mai in front of you. He began by taking hordes of pics of Mai but how Osani turned out wasn't revealed until the next show but once again a male was broken. Very quickly, one man we met earlier in the show was Moteuchi who was also in season one and was the 'caretaker' of the original Ai. He's on the hunt for Mai and even went to Taketo's high school looking for her with no success. But as the show hit it's final minute he noticed Mai on the street, it was the day after her encounter with Osani. Moteuchi chased after her to no avail as Mai hid, we don't know what his relationship is with this Video Girl but think it'll soon be the key to the whole story.

 These recaps are taking slightly longer than planned, not a huge amount more but an extra paragraph though all in all still able to keep the recaps these days much briefer. It was a slower episode but then again a lot of events took place to set up things for the next few shows, so far all four episodes have been fairly solid. One more post to go today for this series which is the one following this recap.

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