Saturday, March 14, 2020

Nogizaka46: The better than adequate 'Miona Hori post' #27....

 Of course every Miona post far surpasses better than adequate but seems like there's been such a shortage of new pics of her that make your heart beat that much faster. Think there's a decent amount of pics for today but not as many as there should be considering this is Miona's first post in exactly two months. The pressing question is and has been for a few months is when is her second photobook coming out? There's been zero news on it recently and why would management announce the news about her PB back in October and leave us hanging?!

 Hope it doesn't get pushed back to Summer because of the health crisis that's currently going on. This Summer is the Olympics and if the book is released then it'll easily be overshadowed, am totally clueless on what's going on and why. Do have a lot of variety today, just one spread but plenty of pics which should please most Miona fans. That last sentence just got me thinking which Nogi member has the most popular solo posts?
 Have a strong idea on who it is but she doesn't have all that many posts which would skew her average. Perhaps if there is a slowdown on posts that's a project to have and there hasn't been any kind of lists for a few months now. Pics here are from an Oricon interview that came out two days ago, the second PB was discussed but no details about it's release.

 Perhaps no pics that may make your heart beat faster but those above and the rest are still oki doki to me. For about five years Miona has been Nogi's best blogger by far, have some recent pics from the group blog and could have had more.

 Miona was the featured member in episode six of the 'Nogizaka Cinema' drama but it hasn't been subbed yet. Sure it will be and there's only two more shows to go in the ten episode series. These are some behind the scenes pics of her show.

 Hmmmm, Miona was asked the question but shouldn't it have been her asking it!?

 Miona has been a co-host of the Wednesday 'Recon' radio show since April 5, 2017. But on April 1st she'll be 'graduating' from the show, hope that's not an omen of an actual Nogi graduation. Some recent pics from the show's set.

 There hasn't been a group post for at least two weeks, hopefully can have one soon but most recent pics have been for one member. That's because I'll talk more about the second generation members and Miona is one of them. They were supposed to hold an anniversary concert which was cancelled along with almost every other big event in Japan these days. So what happened is that some members held a special 'Showroom' anniversary for the occasion, do have the video of the show and if there's no group post soon will have a post dedicated to this show.

 Don't think I'm in the minority with this thought but I may prefer the second generation members more than the first, to me too many of the members have been shafted to a large extent by management over the years. There'eight members in the above post but one was absent who may be my current fave Nogi member. No recent Nogi cards but seeing as how this is her first post in two months did miss Valentine's Day and these were new for this year.

 Miona is an exclusive model for the ar magazine, no pics from their site but do have some superb pics from their February issue. Their models just appear in every other issue and do have the spread for April but will save that for her next post, should try to have a monthly post for her.

 Final batch of pics are from the February 29th 'Tokyo Girls Collection' Spring show which was held at the empty Yoyogi National Stadium in Shibuya. Miona took her stroll on the 'Spick and Span' stage and had never heard of that company, some of these pics were in a group post but many others are brand new. No good videos from the show which is fine with me as there's a tremendous new solo CM for Mouse computers following the pics, she looks more alluring than ever....

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