Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Risa Watanabe: Her monumental 34th solo post....

 Always feels good to take a day or two off from posting to recharge my batteries, hopefully can have many posts these next few days. This is Risa's sixth post of the year and now she's eligible for this year's faves list, would be surprised if she didn't have fifteen or so posts for 2020 and this is fourth one in less than two months. Number one currently has a huge lead over everyone but if anyone could topple her to me it'd be Risa who was fourth on the first preliminary list. She just missed last year finishing second and I think it'll end up being a battle for this year's #1.
 Last year's Risa's posts had the highest average views of anyone, think the average was around 1,110 views per post which has obviously increased to about 1,150 or so. But her posts this year have taken a step backwards and bet she's not in the top five this year for average. One reason last year's post average was high because of her first photobook coming out but all of Risa's post have been magnificent. Today's is no exception either as there's close to seventy new pics, that bottom one above is new for here and is from her PB.

 Of course there's no new gravure pics, like most Keya or Nogi members Risa's photobook had it's share of pics in that vein along with some mag spreads promoting it. That's okay though if she never has another gravure pic as she looks so overly perfect to me no matter show she's clad. On to many new pics for today, about seventy new ones for here plus a few oldies which may send the grand total to over eighty. Every post always has new pics from the Non-no magazine site but there's only these five new ones which are the fewest ever, perhaps they're running low on pics for their models and I really hope not.

 Some new promo pics for the online game 'Uni's on Air' which features Keya and Hina members.

 More promo game cards which are for Key's 'Keyakise' on line game, have been including them in all of Risa's recent posts and all are new for here. Most are from 2017/18 and while Risa looked superb back then she wasn't as breathtaking as she is these days....

 Hoping to have a Keya group post soon, it's been about five weeks since their last one. Not all that many new pics but will have some cards like the ones above and sure I'll be able to create a decent post. There's just been one group spread these last few months, it's from the June issue of BLT and may as well post it now, will have it also in the next group post with more pics.

 No clue how long the ban on events and concerts will be going on, wouldn't doubt if it'll be for many more months. Risa and a few other of her Keya mates used to appear at so many events and usually the pics were pretty darn good. The Spring fashion shows have been cancelled, the next one is scheduled for July but odds are good it won't be held. So have been going back in time for Risa's appearances at those shows, terrific pics for today are from the 'Girls Award' Spring show that was held in May 2017. Bottom pic has her with another fave who has a post just below this one.

 As you can tell both are exclusive models for Non-no. Pics here are outtake one from the photo shoot for the....

.... June/July edition of Entame, she's the cover girl and it's the third time in two months she's had the honor. Even though Keya hasn't released any new music in over fourteen months she's still extremely popular, wonder how many more months it'll be until Keya's next single? But as you may have noticed this fabulous spread is for a June/July issue as magazines are now putting out half of the issues they once did as they may not be allowed to do photo shoots. Keya's 'Keyakitte' variety show is now about to go on hiatus as filming of shows is also banned plus there hasn't been any new group or solo CM's for a while. So after the pics have a newish video that features some of Risa's greatest moments from their 'Keyakitte' show, it's not subbed but you don't need them. It's been so long since she's had a segment or a show dedicated to her. EDIT: Forget that video as yet another one was deleted from YT, so have a new one for Non-no's May issue.


  1. Great new posts of Risa. She's number 3 of my top 5. Loved her photoshoots on Non no. Look forward to see her new PB.

  2. Minami new CM really good on YT.
    浜辺美波、有村架純に小悪魔なイタズラ表情でチクる 萩原利久は問い詰められあたふた 『JA共済』新CM「新人」篇&メイキング&インタビュー

  3. Asuka on YT drinking beer for the first time she says it's delicious.
    【齋藤飛鳥】はじめてビールを飲む。  かわいい  乃木坂46

  4. I want to see Risa's photobook
