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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Kyoko Saito... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Kang Han-Na: Her first of many intro posts....


 In so many intro posts I've tended to go a bit overboard but won't for this one yet there's still 55 super duper pics. Have mentioned a few times lately that I would be introducing someone today and it's been a while since we've had anyone new here, especially a Korean actress. But hope to have a post a week for at least the next month and perhaps even longer that. I figure that Han-Na is the second oldest person who has ever been introduced, she's 31 and will be turning a year older on January 30th.

 But as you'll see in this and the upcoming posts age has treated Han-Na rather nicely as what a stunning woman she is. Have known about her for so long but for some reason I kept putting this intro off plus haven't viewed her in enough things, just two dramas and a film. Like so many actresses from Korea she's a college graduate and did so with a degree in Theater from Chung-Ang University. So though a bit older she really didn't begin her acting career until late 2013, that was in the "Miss Korea' drama which I have viewed and I really wanted to like it but will admit it was only so-so.

 What I usually do for intro posts is to have a mix of older and new things which will be the case for her first batch of posts. Like so many actresses Han-Na really shines at events and she's attended so many over the past seven years so will have plenty of those pics in her posts along with much more bio info. As is the case for most Korean actresses what there are is a shortage of mag spreads but as I've said too many times to count much more prefer the way they look at events. Do have a pair of spreads for today but as is the case 98% of the time they're way too small. This is one of Han-Na's first sets ever from the February 2014 issue of Celebrity and you can compare how she looked back then to today.

 Newer spread from this year which is from the March edition of Marie Claire, as I said Korean spreads are usually way too small.

 Have noticed that Korea has such a small amount of mags for their actresses to appear in versus Japan who probably have 25 times as many magazines. Han-Na's current drama is "Start-Up' which I'm enjoying immensely, here's some new pics from the set that you can get at the show's site. You will see in the top two pics how long her hair is which is also the case for almost all of the pics for today. Those top two pics are the last with long tresses as that same day Han-Na cut a haircut for her role and her level of perfectness somehow increased dramatically after that.

 The drama began on October 17th, the fifth episode aired today. As some may have noticed have been recapping the series and will have the next pair of posts on Wednesday, it also airs on Sunday nights. Five days before the show began there was an event for it at the tvN Hall, that's the station it airs on but have to admit Han-Na didn't turn my head with the way she was clad, say that because of the way she's looked at other events. 

 In the drama Han-Na plays the role of In-Dae who was the CEO of a major company. At the end of the second episode she quit that position and is looking to 'start-up' a new one. Won't say much more than that as there's the recaps to pore over, though I've only viewed four of sixteen shows what a superb drama it is and think it'll remain that way. You will notice that shorter hair after these first few screenshots, she looked terrific before but with that shorter style I can't think of many who can top 
her attractiveness.

 Will end off with some semi 'controversial' pics and from some interviews I read don't think Han-Na was expecting what happened. The occasion was the 2013 Busan Film Festival that took place in October, perhaps not overly revealing but certainly gained her quite a few fans. She did look mighty fine in the front too but not many pics of that were taken, will have more of these in upcoming posts. Where Han-Na really revealed herself was in the 2015 film "Empire of Lust" where she did doff her attire, pics for today may not give a huge hint but what an amazing body she has. Of course after the pics have a video of the event which has well over a million views.