Monday, October 12, 2020

Nogizaka46: The dignified and sensuous 'Mai Shiraishi post' #59....


 At on time Mai had more posts than anyone here but after about #340 lost the honor as for a while seemed she was in hibernation. She eventually fell over twenty posts in back of number one but now she's primed to take back the honor for most posts. This is #376 which still leaves her twelve off the lead but seeing as how it was over twenty earlier this year and knowing she'll have 4-5 more in 2020 guess a huge showdown is looming. The question is how busy will Mai remain after her October 28th departure from Nogi?

 I would think she'd stay a busy gal but perhaps not until after the new year and it wouldn't shock me if she kicked back for a while. She certainly deserves an extended break and she definitely can afford one! In the third and final preliminary list for this year's faves Mai finished in the ninth position, remember it's based on what someone has done during the year. She's made the list twice but has never had a top ten spot which I'm sure will happen this year.

 These Mai posts are coming fast and furious lately, think this is five since the beginning of August. The graduation date is sixteen days away, may not have the next post until then but will try to have a farewell post or two for her departure though as I've said often it's not a sad occasion. Her graduation is being milked for all it's worth and hopefully she's getting a nice % of the earnings. One new thing I found today was a 'Mai Shiraishi Cafe' that has just opened or will in five cities. Here's the link and am hoping that will have some sort of  special 'Mai dishes' on the menu:  Mai's Cafe

 Have the link to another site which is run by Nogi. There you can sign up to watch her streamed final concert and think she'll have a session with fans afterwards but not sure if it's available to us outside of Japan. There's other things there too such as graduation goodies: Graduation site

 It's getting close to that special day for ghoulies and what would one say if Mai came to your day saying 'Trick or Treat?!'. Gulp, have a feeling what my response would be and we'll leave it at that. Have some older Nogi pics for Halloween, many are new for here and may have more in her next post, will also have a Nogi post for the occasion.

 Seeing as how there's been no recent events for Nogi gals have been including older ones in their posts. This batch is from February 2017 when Mai's "Passport" photobook came out. What a massive seller it's been at 440,000 copies sold. Will have more details in a group posts which is how many books have the members sold? Need to work on the project a bit more but if you include their two group books the total may be well over six million copies!

 Speaking of books Mai's 'Memorial Magazine' will be coming out on October 21st. No new advance pics have come out but here's some that were in her previous post.

 That last post had Mai's spread for the November issue of With, some pics from their site.

 The last few months Mai has appearing in quite a few mags but wish the spreads were a bit larger. She almost always is the cover girl and this set is from the November edition of Steady.

 Last batch of pics are brand new from the GRL site as Mai has recently become an exclusive model for them, she joins four other Nogi members. Following the pics is another video for that With magazine spread as there was also one in her previous(?) post.

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