Monday, November 30, 2020

Kazusa Okuyama: New sizzling WPB magazine spread plus a few other sweltering things....


 Always take either the first or last day of a month off, think it hasn't happened only one time this year. That is until now as this could be considered a 'bonus day' with this post plus perhaps two drama recaps following this though that's not set in stone, not writing them up in order. Won't be taking tomorrow off as I don't want to go three days between posts for the faves list, as it'll stand then need to do fourteen posts in about 22 days and don't want to have to do two in one day.

 This is Kazusa's first regular post since the end of July, not one of her biggest ones but just didn't want to sit on her dazzling new spread. Three weeks ago had a pair of WPB-Net pictorials for her which surprisingly haven't received that many views. November may go down as a record breaking month as there may be more views than in ayy other month so wonder why her massive fan base here has kind of ignored those posts? Glad my feeling was false but was having an inkling that Kazusa may have 'retired' from doing gravure pics as it was so long since her last regular spread. Obviously that's not the case with today's terrific spread plus do have a pair of other recent ones.

 Once again Kazusa will be absent from the yearly faves list and did talk about it briefly in her last post. But didn't give a definite answer of 'why' she hasn't made the cut two years in a row after being eighth in 2018. There aren't many better women who I post about plus her spreads the last two years may nor have been topped and also she seems like such an interesting and smart woman. All those add up to describe most gals who make the top ten so to me it's kind of a mystery what's happened and can't quite put my finger on why as the answer will continue to be unknown.

 Let's get on to things so I can start writing those other posts up, than again maybe not. Kazusa has just released her 2021 calendar and if you can wait a while that second pics will work then. She had one last year too and there was an event for it which probably won't happen this year.

 Sure most viewers haven't been naughty this year so you may see a nice female Santa plummeting down your chimney. With my leaving Kazusa off the faves list I'm obviously not going to see her stuffed in my stocking again, sigh....

 Not many recent happenings for Kazusa but she is currently in a drama "Equation to erase the Teacher". It's her second regular drama of the year but haven't been able to find either one subbed. Have that one WPB spread which was the main reason for doing this post but also have a pair of others. This first one is from the August 14th issue of Friday which had outtake pics from her second photobook.

 I like this spread the best of the trio as Kazusa seldom does them for non-gravure magazines. It's from the September 16th edition of Anan and just wish it was so much bigger.

 Final set is brand new from the December 14th issue of WPB and for about the 20th time she's their cover girl. But on a more important bit about the spread it said there was both a new mini photobook and a WPB-Net pictorial coming out soon so obviously Kazusa just took a break from gravure photo shoots and didn't 'retire' from them. But more than those two stupendous things it appears they may be putting out her first DVD and there's a short promo video of it after the pics.

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