Sunday, November 22, 2020

Nogizaka46: The majestic 'Mizuki Yamashita post' #7....


 Bit of an FYI, it's a holiday week so will be taking Thursday off and perhaps the day before or after, we'll see how things go. Do need a bit of a breather as this makes 46 out of the last 47 days a post has been done which I presume is a record. If two days are taken there's still plenty of older posts to investigate.... 7,000 of them! The post below this one is an intro to this year's top twenty list and did refer to this post's honoree in it. Which was of course Mizuki who came in 21st and just missed by the slightest margin of making it. But to me that's quite impressive as she's someone I never thought had a chance in a thousand on making a list and in a way she did deserve to.

 Will admit Mizuki may have had a better 2020 than the trio above her but it was still so close between the four, there's no doubt she was the busiest. When a position or more are very close almost always will go with the older woman or the one who has been a fave much longer. That trio had her beat on both counts and to me an older woman approaching thirty may not have as many chances to make the list in the future which is why I tend to give them the nod. So it's not a knock at all on Mizuki as she's someone who has become a fave of mine this year and has an excellent chance to be on next year's list or after that. One other thing was that three other Nogi member are in the top ten, there's no cap on how many can make the list but to me four would be too many.

  Can remember when Mizuki first joined Nogi four years ago, at the time thought she was the most talented of the 3G members and did enjoy watching her on their variety shows. But had thought she was a tad too serious and that problem seemed to grow worse over the next few years and stopped paying as much attention to her. But she has really changed her demeanor in the past year as she's become such a likable woman.

 Also she shortened her tresses back in July which made her so much more attractive. Those pluses are something Nogi's management may noticed too as Mizuki will be the center for the first time on their 26th single coming out in January. Would have preferred the member two to her right but really have no complaints with her being the center and it may have ben overdue.

 Have talked about the 'Eizouken' drama so often and it's usually been bad news about the subs not being completed. That's happened three times(!) but today learned that a fourth team has picked it up though no timetable has been set, to be honest have lost a bit of interest after waiting so long. The movie spinoff was just a so-so success, it did place in the top ten for it's first two weeks out but was supposed to be a much bigger hit. However the three members who starred in it certainly worked their tails off promoting it, from what I've read the film wasn't all that good. Have one last batch of interview pics to promote the film, seven each from the Live Door and Model Press sites.

 After November 30th the top selling lists are compiled in Japan such as for singles. albums, books, etc. Also photobooks and Mizuki's first one that came out in January I think is the second best selling one for 2020 at over 175,000 copies sold, hope that means a second one may happen. Not on the main page now but the first post for June has the pics from it and do recommend checking it out. All of today's pics are newish from the last month or so save for this set of older promo 'NoigiKoi' app game cards.

 The only time we ever see gravure pics from any '46' group member seems to be when they put out a photobook. Wish there were more but then again most of the gals look good in their conservative spreads and modeling pics. These are some recent Nogi Blog/Instagram pics and the only person to do any kind of steamy pics is at the bottom, will have a post for her soon. So many fans think Mizuki looks similar to her but I've never noticed much of a resemblance.

 Have a trio of newish mag spreads though this first one is definitely way too small, it's from a special Autumn edition of Nikkei Entertainment.

 Mizuki has been a model for the CanCam magazine since August 2018 but surprised she doesn't model more for other places, this set is from their December issue.

 However prefer her pics from the CanCam site, most end up appearing in one of their mags but think the 'clean versions' are so much better.

 Last Mizuki spread is from the October 26th issue of Big Comic Spirits and she's often the cover girl for the mags she appears in. As I mentioned really think her shorter hair is so fabulous looking and two of the above blog pics were from the photo shoot.

 Will end off with a group event that took place on November 8th and hope to see more of these after going so long without any regular events. The occasion was for the Anan magazine's 50th anniversary and also a semi fashion show called 'Shibuya Scramble Festival. Mizuki looked so darn adorable to me and have always noticed how thin her legs are which is oki doki as that's the way I like them. Some terrific pics from the event but of course there's no video and still have no clue why we never get to see any of then for a Nogi event. Not sure if the video following the pics was ever posted but even if it was it needs an encore viewing, it's exactly a year old from a BLT photo shoot.

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