Sunday, December 13, 2020

Nogizaka46: The second monthly.... 'Second Generation Member's post'(yay!)....


 Hinako's usually a good luck charm to begin a post off with, didn't have her lead off the first post in the series which is why it's been Nogi's lowest viewed group post of the year! Just began this series last month as the second generation members are my top ones and have been for a while but they don't seem to get much love from the fans and especially management. At times they're so forgotten and wondered if it'd be difficult to have at least one post a month but don't think that'll be a problem. On the other hand having group posts for the first generation members has been extremely difficult as there hasn't been one for them in over two months. But will be having a solo post for one member soon plus you'll see another this week for the top twenty faves countdown. Sigh, Hinako failed to qualify though she could be my top Nogi member, sigh....

 She'll also be ending the post off. The title says this is the second post in the series which is true to an extent. But realized there was a post done for them back in March for their seventh anniversary as members of Nogi which was a huge post and featured a superb Platinum Flash spread.

 At the time the second generation consisted of nine members, Kotoko who is third from the left departed at the end of March. And of course Miona in the middle has announced her graduation but no date has been set, probably won't be until the Spring. She'll be having a solo post in about a week so will be saving her pics for that plus any other sad comments of mine about her leaving. But you will see a few pics of her and also of every other 2G member as there's about a hundred pics for today, some brand new and some oldies. Why not begin off with them as it is that time of season(X-Mas) and have five pics for each member with Hinako and Mai leading off.

 Always though Ranze and Rena would have made for a good pairing whether having a mag spread together or hosting a show but that's never happened, the duo have this next set.

 Third pairing features Junna and Miria, names you don't hear too often....

 To end off have pics for Miona whose name we do hear quite often, she's been the face of 2G for so long who will take her place? Probably not Ayane who ends off this mini Christmas special but we had been hearing about her much more recently.

 Ayane's name had been in the news more lately because she released her first photobook five weeks ago who shocked me but glad it happened. It's been a solid seller with over 44,000 copies sold in it's first three weeks. Have a mini spread for her here from the November 24th issue of Flash followed by a few promo pics from it.

 In a little over a month from now Mai will be turning 29 and she's Nogi's oldest member. There's been no graduation rumors(yet) and have a feeling she'll be staying with the group for a while and why not as she's become a permanent Senbatsu member and is actually one of Nogi's busiest members. She's been the host of the popular 'All Night Nippon' radio show for many years now.

 Those pics were from two weeks ago and had them as they feature Ranze. There's a terrific spread featuring her from exactly a year ago that I had overlooked and it was way too superb not to have here, this set is from the December 2019 edition of UTB.

 In these posts though will usually have more pics for my bigger faves and not many are bigger than Mai, these are new pics from the andGirl site. Mai is also a model for the Oggi magazine and am holding on to those pics for the next post.

 In my humble opinion this batch is the best of today's pics. They once again feature Mai and are blog/outtake pics from her upcoming UTB spread and will that be able to top these pics?!

 We've hit the end and as promised(?) will end off with my fave Nogi member Hinako. It's rare these days for her to have a large solo spread but she did in this stupendous set of pics from the November issue of BLT Graph. Nogi's next single is coming out on January 27th, so far all of the songs that will be appearing on it haven't been revealed. Hopefully these gals will have their own song and they did on the group's last physical single that came out in March. The song is titled "Anastasia" and you can view it's PV after the pics.

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