Friday, April 9, 2021

Minami Hamabe: Hopefully normalcy is returning....


 .... that normalcy is referring to me!!!! Minor rant for a few sentences to begin off with and not doing a post for a week is such a rarity. Did write this and three drama recaps up two days ago(now three days!) but was waiting until I could do one more post in this vein as recaps are not too popular. Have mentioned that now and again there's stretches were so little happens with my bigger faves and that's what took place this past week. Didn't plan on taking this mini break but things like this happen and hopefully there will a silver lining to all of it.

 Which is that usually after a slow period there's an avalanche of posts which did happen five weeks ago. March was a busy month for posts but it did slow down towards the end and really hasn't picked up. But as I said am writing this up two three days in advance, hopefully things are looking a bit rosier. One other point is something that was briefly brought up about ten days ago. That's of a 'New Wave' coming through which does happen every 3-4 years. In recent magazines they've been dominated by so many new actresses and gravure models who are 19-21 in age. I'll never post about them but they're taking away spreads from gals we all like. As mentioned it does happen every few years and understand why but it's not like the my huger faves are suddenly over the hill.

 Minami's last post was in February and it was by far her most popular one ever. It was in the top ten for most views for a few weeks which had never happened, don't think she acquired a whole army of fans as that post was in another quiet stretch and there weren't many other posts to view. Hoping there will be two more posts within the next month, one may be for an anime movie coming out next weekend. Plus on April 29th the second 'Kakegurui' film is coming out so would think there would be some promoting for it plus there will be a premiere. 

 This is Minami's third post in the last four months, she's become someone I can depend on when things get a bit slow. Doesn't seem as there's a lot of new activities for today but there's close to fifty new pics plus am holding back some brand new Kimono modeling pics for her next post. To start off have some recent pics from her Instagram site.

 Some of those and this entire bottom batch are from the set of Minami's 'Uchi no Musume' drama. Viewed the first five shows and put it on hold. It's not a must watch but it's a decent show and will be rewatching the entire series again very soon. Had this stretch where I was viewing three other dramas and needed to cut one out before I went bonkers but as I said will be finishing it up soon enough. So more pics from the show's set and there was no way I wasn't going to post pics for this duo....

 Over the years Minami has done so many CM's for Lotte, also has appeared at quite a few events. Her newest one for the company is for their new 'Green Lotte Gum', you can view the CM here which also has a very lengthy behind the scenes segment: Lotte video

 Minami's last post had a small mag spread for her 2021 calendar, have some of those pics here but also a few newer ones.

 Minami is starting to look a bit more grownup and she'll always be the youngest woman I post about, think it's become an unwritten rule. These superb pics are from the Abema-TV site as she'll be making a guest appearance this Saturday on their 'Don't be fooled by Love and Wolves' series. She also discussed the upcoming 'Kakegurui' film, more info when the premiere or screening takes place.

 We've hit the end and this fine batch of pics is from an April 6th event. It was to promote the 24th Conan anime film, this one will be coming out on April 14th and is titled "Detective Conan: Silver Bullet". In the movie Minami will be doing the character of Erie Ishioka and that film series is just so incredibly popular, it's her third time voicing an anime character. Plenty of super duper pics from the event but surprised there was no good video for it. So after the pics have a new CM for JA that features a gal you should know very well and there's also a longish behind the scenes segment.

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