Friday, April 16, 2021

Mio Imada: Talk about an overdue post....


 However that overdue part wasn't my fault for a change as the first three months of the year were somewhat slow for Mio. This is her first post of 2021 and to my shock she had nineteen(!) posts last year which was the second highest of anyone. But eight were for older photobooks and sites began releasing her older outtake pics as Mio has 'retired' from doing gravure spreads. Her last set of pics in that vein were for her January 2020 PB "Last Shot" and guess that's where the title came from. Have noticed so many gals between 22-25 who stop doing gravure spreads or pictorials tend to fade away but not Mio who is such a popular model and she doesn't really need to do those kinds of pics these days. Will admit I do miss the pics like you see at the top and so don't most of you viewers too as over the last year she's become so popular here, in 2020 her posts had the fourth highest average of any fave. 

 Sure Mio needed a bit of a break to start the year off, she did have a new drama begin last week. Not a lot of different activities but do have 55 new pics from this year and am holding back many as Mio is such a mega fave of mine and don't want to have another large gap in posts. What's kind of surprising is that there's only been one mag spread so far for 2021 but have a feeling many more will be on the horizon, that spread is from the February issue of Tokyo Calendar.

 Mio has been a long time model for the ar magazine but hasn't been in an issue for a while. However she does have a few super duper newish pics at their site.

 Mio is such a busy model so she doesn't really need to do those gravure pictorials these days and with the Spring/Summer collections coming up we should be seeing quite a few new pics from her. Such as these terrific ones for Furisode Kimonos.

 Mio has also been a long time model for Uniqlo and has a new line called 'Mio-Qlo'. Plenty of new pics from their site and am holding back about twenty for her next post. She does have a new CM for her new clothing line but really didn't think it was all that good. A much better new CM is for Beauty Vinegar and you can view that video here: Beauty Vinegar CM

 Almost forgot to add in that on March 5th Mio turned 24 in age. Yesterday there was an event held for Mio's new Uniqlo clothing line which is called 'Style Hint', it's a limited edition of clothing on sale until July 1st. Have plenty of superb pics from the event and following them is a short video of it.

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