Monday, May 10, 2021

Miona Hori: Her first post-Nogi post....


 It's not too hard to do a post shortly after an Idol graduates from their group as there's a few left over tidbits and such. However the problem is will there still be many posts four months later? That's where it gets tough but Miona is such a mega fave of mine I'll always be working on posts for her and just hope there's enough new activities. Not all that many of them for today but do have about 55 new pics and will end off with such a superb new mag spread, her final one as a Nogi member.

 Still waiting for her final concert to be released and will talk more about it then, pic above is from it. Was checking some older things and this is Miona's 41st solo post since May 2017. When I talk about 'solo posts' mean ones that aren't for dramas, films or variety shows. That 41 puts her in the seventh position for  most posts in the last four years. Beating her out are two Nogi members who are both gone too, one Keya gal and three actresses/models but how many more will Miona have?

 Currently Miona is still a model for the ar magazine and is now a co-host of a Saturday radio show. Don't know what else she has planned but she's not the type of woman that would take a long break. Last month she opened her own site, here's the link to it: Miona's site

 Miona was always Nogi's best blogger and posted so many pics. But she can no longer do that of course but hasn't slowed down as these are new from her site and her Instagram page.

 Some fine pics from an April interview with the Model Press site.

 Even more superb Miona interview pics from the Oricon site. It was published on April 15th and here's the link to it and have it translated to English: Oricon interview

 On April 20th Miona released her third photobook which was a graduation one. In it's first week it was #1 on the charts with 28,577 copies sold, week two the total was 4,757. So that's a little over 33,000 copies sold but truly thought the total would be over 50 K as it is her final one plus it's been a while since a Nogi photobook. These are four new promo pics for the book.

 As mentioned Miona is a model for the ar magazine, she has been since December 2016. These are some terrific new pics from their site.

 Miona has often represented the magazine at those huge fashion shows, will she in the future? Of course there's very few these days but sure they'll eventually be back to holding them regularly. Have some fabulous pics from a show that took place four years ago, May 3, 2017 to be exact. It was for the Spring/Summer 'Girls Award' show that was held at the Yoyogi First Gymnasium in Tokyo.

 Been a long time since there's been a Nogi 'pairs post' and that's because I often forget about them. But my goal is to have one next month with this duo.

 Last batch of pics are one of the top spreads to date this year and is from the May issue of UTB. It came out last month so it would be considered Miona's final spread as a Nogi member, few of the pics are from the photo shoot and that top one is my #1 for 2021 so far. There's rarely any good new Nogi videos these days so will go back in time with one you can view after the pics. Had never posted it before and it's from a short M-ON! Music web interview that took place way back in 2016.

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