Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Rika Izumi: Is here to save the day once again....


 Second time this year she's played 'Supergirl' to save a day and if it wasn't for Rika it may have been another day with zero posts. These past three or so weeks is the slowest stretch I've ever seen for activities. May not seem that way here as there have been 32 posts in August yet fourteen of them have been for drama recaps or older things prior to 2021 so in a way the average has been just one post a day for new happenings. But the September 4th 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show is going to work out well for me as far as having posts, if you can just hold on until then. Many of my larger faves will be there so in the week following that there should be 2-3 posts for Keya, three for Nogi and perhaps four for Hina. Plus there will be some actresses I like immensely at the show, so hoping for many pics from the show which will be a good start for a slew of posts.

 Rika won't be there and save for some 'Girls Award' shows back in 2017 she's never appeared at any of those mega fashion shows and wonder why? Following this post are the recaps for the final three episodes of the "Takane no Hana" drama, it was a show I did enjoy but will admit it wasn't a must watch. Her next show begins in four days and will have info on that at the bottom of the post. As many may have seen Rika topped the preliminary list done ten days ago for this year's top twenty faves. Noticed there's been no trend for who is number one in August, in 2018/2020 the faves who were #1 held on to their spot while in the 2019 the front runner slipped to fourth.

 Can't see Rika dropping to fourth and since that list was done she's started to pull away from the pack though I expect #2 to give her intense battle. This is Rika's third post in the last month so obviously there aren't all that many new things. However there are close to fifty pics which are all from the past month, with Autumn closing in it should be a busy time for many new modeling pics. Speaking of those have a small yet stupendous batch of new ones for Tocca.

 In Rika's last few posts her top pics have been for the Stola Summer collection, have one more set of them for all of her fans to enjoy.

 As I've mentioned numerus times we may never see Rika do any more gravure pics, that's fine by me but do admit wouldn't mind seeing a few here and there, perhaps a third photobook? Have a pair of mag spreads for today with this first one being from the July issue of Bijin Hyakka.

 It's rare when there's no new dazzling Rika pics from the Oggi site but her last post was just ten days ago but do have a smallish spread from their September edition.

 "Mikkou wa Utau" is the title of Rika's next drama which begins on August 22nd and it'll be her first police series, she could put the handcuffs on me at any time!!!! It's just going to be a six episode drama and crossing my fingers it'll be subbed. But in an odd move it appears there will be another version of the series also starting on August 22nd. Both will be airing on WOWOW and don't have much info about that second one yet if the Mydramalist site is to be believed, sure we'll know more on August 22nd. Yesterday there was a mini event to promote the new show, first time Rika has been at one since March and she always looks so classy at them. Plenty of pics from it and the bottom one is a promo pic of her character. Sadly there's no video from the event nor are there any other newish ones so after the pics have a short yet fabulous video promoting her second PB that came out in April 2020.

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